Bootyjuice Wants You to Stop Driving Cars – IOTW Report

Bootyjuice Wants You to Stop Driving Cars

TH: No gas stoves, no gas-powered cars, and no beer are just a few things the Biden Administration has put the kibosh on. 

The Democrat-controlled White House is now fear-mongering Americans into believing all cars cause climate change and promote racism and should, therefore, be banned. 

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg appointed an Obama-era group made up of 24 “leading experts” to advise him on “transportation equity,” claiming the privilege of owning a car ignites “systemic racism” and should be banned because of their negative impact on the environment. 

Members of the Advisory Committee on Transportation Equity include “spatial policy scholar” Andrea Marpillero-Colomina, who says, “All cars are bad” and calls for “zero emission transit.”  MORE

22 Comments on Bootyjuice Wants You to Stop Driving Cars

  1. Butt-Plug should know that besides water being the most abundant liquid on earth, oil is the second most abundant liquid.

    Just wait ’till he finds out about photosynthesis and that without a measly 0.04% of CO2 in our atmosphere, all plant, and then, all animal life would reach critical extinction levels and then disappear forever.

  2. Tell you what, Bootyjuice, you give up those kids you and your butt buddy partner (no I won’t used the term husband) adopted so as to prevent the developmental damage you are inflicting on those kids. On second thought, do that anyway and I’ll stick with my original reaction of fuck-off and die, hopefully by an unfortunate hammer-play accident….if you know what I mean 😉

  3. You cannot legislate equity. Racism is not related to transportation. Minority communities are like they are because residents do not strive to make them better. The government was never intended to be involved in 95% of what they try and control. It is obvious that those “in charge” do not know what they are talking about, are lying and lack common sense, as well as being detached from reality. Such efforts by the government are nothing more than another step toward complete tyranny. The majority of citizens know this and are fed up.

  4. I’ll give up my car…….over my dead body.
    (I was going to say….”when you give up your cars”. but here we are)

  5. After the Presidunce, his staff, the Agencies (including the Armed Forces, the FBI, and the DOJ) the House, the Senate, and the Supremes give up their cars, planes, and trains – I’ll CONSIDER giving mine up.

    Buttigieg is a filthy fukkin hypocrite – as well as a sodomite and liar.

    Lead by example – or you’re not “leading.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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