‘booze-and-Botox besotted old bag’ – IOTW Report

‘booze-and-Botox besotted old bag’

BPR: While Democrats keep claiming the coronavirus crisis would be handled better under their leadership, some believe their behavior strongly betrays this dubious assertion.

Of particular note is their uncanny, frequent and strangely shared inability to piece together coherent sentences that actually make sense.

For instance, observe House Speaker Nancy Pelosi trying to explain something during her weekly press conference this past Thursday:

I love these ridiculous clowns who contend they can do better than President Trump. This booze-and-Botox besotted old bag can’t manage her dentures, much less a pandemic. Between her and Biden, they can barely manage to put a coherent sentence together. pic.twitter.com/Ze2mvKpoRp

— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) March 12, 2020

The outspoken conservative Hollywood actor summed up the critics’ thoughts in his tweet, writing how “ridiculous” it is that the same “clowns who contend they can do better than President Trump … can barely manage to put a coherent sentence together.”

And with both Pelosi and front-runner Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, whom Woods also referenced, this incoherence is a feature, not a bug.

10 Comments on ‘booze-and-Botox besotted old bag’

  1. If by the term ” better” she means more wide spread she is correct. Throwing large amounts of moneyt it will not make it go away. Their party has no leaders, just arse holes trying to grab the spotlight.

  2. Lest us not forget, besides the Botox & Booze, the 8-10 lines of Coke Smellosi probably snorts each day just to remain vertical. Every time you see her, the pupils in her eyes are dilated to the point you can hardly see an iris, especially the night of President Trump’s State Of The Union Address.

  3. Nancy probably suffers from Tardive Dyskinesia.

    Tardive dyskinesia is a side effect of antipsychotic medications. These drugs are used to treat schizophrenia and other mental health disorders.

    Tardive dyskinesia causes stiff, jerky movements that you can’t control. They include:
    Orofacial dyskinesia or oro-bucco-lingual dyskinesia: Uncontrolled movements in your face — namely your lips, jaw, or tongue.

    You’re more likely to get it if you:
    Are a woman who has gone through menopause
    Are over age 55
    Abuse alcohol or drugs

    Explains those one-eye-closed times, too.


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