‘Borat’ Director Larry Charles Warns of Deadly Riots if Trump Remains in Office – IOTW Report

‘Borat’ Director Larry Charles Warns of Deadly Riots if Trump Remains in Office

That’s a bold statement from a guy who looks like a homeless Muppet.

Breitbart: Hollywood director Larry Charles seems sure that if President Donald Trump is not impeached, riots will break out across the country.

Larry Charles returned to his Twitter account on Monday to re-tweet a New York Times story about the massive riots breaking out in India. But along with re-tweeting the article, Charles insisted that America will be beset with the same unrest if Trump is left in office and then re-elected.

“Preview of America if Trump remains in office,” the Curb Your Enthusiasm producer said.

Larry Charles added the hashtag, that read “#Impeach Indict Imprison Trump Barr Pompeo Pence GOP.” read more

SNIP: ” The massive riots breaking out in India”
Is because, islam.

48 Comments on ‘Borat’ Director Larry Charles Warns of Deadly Riots if Trump Remains in Office

  1. No, the House seems likely to impeach despite the total lack of any crime or impeachable offense. Hyper partisanship and TDS. If not and Democrats riot, prepare for real Americans to shoot them for rioting. So Larry, take your idle threats and shove them.

    Now if PDJT is removed from office by conviction of non-crimes we will have the Second American Civil War. This is our promise. Not an idle threat. Pray Democrats are not stupid enough to proceed.

  2. What that nasty little prick fears is a lessening of the influence he and others of his kind will lose when in Trump’s second and final term he starts to really work over the leftwing bullies and other anti-democratic forces that Charles is a member of.

  3. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that the same people who threaten violence against conservatives are also the ones demanding that we surrender our Right to Bear Arms?

  4. Well OK Larry, whatever. Rioters tend to destroy their own communities. Or are you planning to fly your gangs to DC?

    Think about that Larry, you will be causing a yuge carbon footprint. Better you should just stay home. You can wear your pussy hat if you want to.

  5. I remember watching an episode of The Soup (RIP). They showed a clip from a ‘reality show’, something like Big Brother. One woman ran at another like she was going to tear her apart – but in a bit of poor acting she clearly made certain that a friend was grabbing her to prevent the fight.
    That’s the way I see people like this – they threaten violence, but only because they know they are safe, it will never harm them. They have fantasies about their side literally committing acts of violence against us, but they know they can promote it without any risk of it actually happening.

  6. Had a long good life and now the left wants a civil war, bring it on, its time to take back the Constitution as it was intended. Get off the couch and oil the gun. Don’t waste money on body bags.

  7. Those riots were not “massive”. The entirety of those Indian rioters would be lost in the FUPA rolls of one United States’ city’s pussy hat revolting.

    If the huge manatees decide to beach, best to just let ’em finish.

  8. @old_oaks December 17, 2019 at 12:25 pm

    > Remember all the rioting and looting conservatives did when Zer0 was preezy?
    > Yeah, me either.

    Breaks my heart. That they got rolled. Again.

  9. Jerks like LC don’t make these kind of statements as warning prophesies. They make these statements agitating for riots to begin after PDJT is reelected.

    Even LC with a casual look at the democrat contenders can figure out it’s a look at the losers’ circle.

  10. He’s absolutely correct. And there will be a good number of defenseless conservative initial harmed or killed. They already know where a lot of us live. After enough of our neighbors are slaughtered. After we are finally pushed out of our comfort zone, we will start zapping these bastards on sight, where they live. Then things won’t be so funny Larry. Because after we start, we won’t stop. It’s called the Boogaloo.

  11. So the people who didn’t like how an election turned out and chastise the people on the other side for their intolerance are the ones threatening violence.

    Sounds like the number one song on a top 40 station. I have heard it a million times and I am sick of it.

  12. How many times a day does Trump get accused of being a racist. When it’s the Dems that are the racists.
    Illegal emigrants are their new slaves, kill the job market.
    Tax the working class into submission.
    Free everything, is really expensive, and they will exempt themselves from paying.
    I would like to see a list of their “charitable donations”, “put your money where your mouth is”, thing.

  13. I for one am ready to get the Boogaloo under way……the left are the ones stoking the violence. I’m ready for them to start….well, they’ve already started on a small scale……the major conflict. They won’t like the results.

  14. Braden Lynch
    DECEMBER 17, 2019 AT 11:55 AM

    “…Now if PDJT is removed from office by conviction of non-crimes we will have the Second American Civil War. This is our promise. Not an idle threat. Pray Democrats are not stupid enough to proceed.”

    I pray they ARE. There’s only ONE way this ends. THEY die
    ..or WE do.

    The sooner we START, the sooner it ENDS. If they remove him from office in January, we can be hunting the last of the Democrats with dogs in March, while warming ourseves on the still-glowing embers of the Capitol, with the street lamps still festooned with the portions of the rotting corpses of leading Democrats that haven’t sloghed off yet.

    We could die, too. Sure. They are fat, but heavy with armor, with crazed minions and Muslims drunk on Shari’a.

    But in THEIR world, we die ANYWAY, just in a fashion that’s more convenient for THEM.

    To die fighting for freedom is no disgrace. We owe as much to out fathers, and our sons. I’d sooner fall opposing their ultimate victory than accept their mastery over me and mine.

    Do as you will. I will fight for freedom, or die yet free, alone if necessary.

    But I don’t think I WILL be…

  15. Hollywood director talks threateningly. (giggle)

    Hey Larry, how much ammo do you possess? Let me know so I can give you an idea how this would work out.
    Since I’ll be defending myself, I hope your cause is as important to you.

  16. The communists will in fact riot if Trump is not convicted, he almost certainly will be impeached. The impeachment should harden the resolve of every non-communist in this nation to refuse submission to the evil. Once impeached and acquitted, Trump must be re-elected. This will bring the communists into the streets in their shrieking rage. Just ensure you aren’t caught in the middle and they will demonstrate YET AGAIN why we must NEVER allow them power in the future.

  17. Leftist mob rule scare tactics don’t work on people who understand the full scope of the 2nd Amendment. The U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to patriots to form, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” (self defense) – the tyannical left are exactly whom the Founders had in mind.

  18. It’s nice to see a devotee to Thomas Jefferson from the lefty-left these days- The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

  19. From a Inert-Web profile site; “He directed every Sacha Baron Cohen film”. That’s all I need to know about him. He may be worth about $100 million, but he’ still a Lefty jerk.


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