Border Agents Will Soon Have Authority To Decide Asylum Claims On The Spot – IOTW Report

Border Agents Will Soon Have Authority To Decide Asylum Claims On The Spot


President Donald Trump is reportedly preparing to give law enforcement officials the authority to conduct interviews with asylum seekers arriving on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Under the upcoming plan, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) officers would train Border Patrol agents deployed on the southern border on how to perform “credible fear interviews,” according to sources who spoke with the Washington Examiner. A migrant illegally crossing the border would be subjected to an interview by an agent shortly after apprehension and would only be allowed to claim asylum if they pass the interview.

The changes would reduce the number of migrants who are waiting for a decision on their asylum case, alleviating an immigration court system bogged down with some 900,000 pending cases, and more quickly deport foreign nationals who do not qualify.

“If that gets rolled out and we actually start deporting people within a timely manner, you’re going to see the numbers drop exponentially,” an official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said to the Examiner. more

12 Comments on Border Agents Will Soon Have Authority To Decide Asylum Claims On The Spot

  1. Shouldn’t asylum seekers from any country be reporting to the appropriate Embassy?

    You don’t pay the Security Guard for purchases at the doorway of a Department Store; you visit the register then show the doorman that you legitimately paid.

  2. Easy tests to determine refugee status
    1. Separate the ‘family’ for 20 minutes. Ask the children their birthday and home town. Then go ask the ‘Parents’ No match, no family.
    2. Lift up mama and papa’s shirt and see if you can count the ribs
    No ribs, you eat too well to be a refugee

  3. “Where are you from?”
    “Why didn’t you claim asylum at the nearest border after leaving your home country?”
    “Asylum claim denied. You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here”

  4. Trump wasn’t voted in to give illegal invaders Asylum. He has no power to defend the border. He has been surrounded by criminals from out of past administrations who do what they want. Trump only believes in what he thinks he is, as a mind-controlled puppet does who has been programmed to perceive himself as a success. He is A Figurehead without any actual power of command. What his supporters hoped he would do, he has not done, and will not be allowed to do, but he will continue to do what his scoundrel controllers want him to do. And there is nothing the people who voted for him can do about it.

  5. Just order it done! If you are really the President, Mr.Trump.
    This method of keeping illegals from invading seems to work. Effective and affordable, it wouldn’t require billions. So simple the Pentagon and National Guard could get it done quickly and efficiently.

    THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2019
    Mr. Trump this is a Flesh Filleting Border Wall
    I just thought I would help Hole in the Borders Donald Trump, in showing him what a real border wall looks like, in how Bulgarians keep out Turkish vermin.
    This is Police chief Ivan Stoyanov, with his 5 foot wide, 15 feet high and THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF TURKISH BORDER, a razor wire fence that fillets Muslims to shreds. It keeps out 500 invaders a month. The number being low is even Muslims learn that dying to get into Bulgaria is a bad idea. 50 miles of fillet the flessh off Muslims, and better yet, there are armed border guards, in what could be better than guns and razor wire.

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