Border Patrol announces seizure of $7 million worth of counterfeit Apple Airpods – IOTW Report

Border Patrol announces seizure of $7 million worth of counterfeit Apple Airpods

I wonder. Did the smugglers mention if those ‘Airpods’ would prevent my Macbook from opening up the damn Apple Music app the second bluetooth turns on? And continue to do so whenever it feels like it?
I swear to everything crunchy and delicious, if I ever meet the sonofabitch software developer who wrote that into the operating system I will upload my foot up his ass.
Oh, and once it has finished uploading, I’m gonna have to let it restart.

Just The News:

U.S. Customs and Border Protection this week announced that it had discovered and seized tens of thousands of counterfeit Apple Airpods, a bust the agency said was likely worth around $7 million.

CBP officials earlier this month “inspected three large shipments from China and found what appeared to be tens of thousands of earbuds in violation of Apple’s protected configurations,” the agency said in a press release.  MORE

14 Comments on Border Patrol announces seizure of $7 million worth of counterfeit Apple Airpods

  1. …and they’d probably sell them on one of those sites that sells Chinese junk for about $20 or maybe $10. Shows you what the pricey AirPods are really worth and how much it cost to make them. You can keep prices down when you use slaves.

  2. Strange. Apple pays “slave” wages to produce their products in China, yet other manufacturers (or maybe the same ones) in China are apparently counterfeiting Apple products. Is that poetic justice or karma?

  3. …so they can stop illegal merchandise that competes with a woke company out, but they can’t keep tens of thousands of whole entire illegal alien humans out?

    What a world…

  4. Anymouse
    MAY 16, 2021 AT 2:18 PM
    “What’s an “AirPod?””

    …a very expensive pair of wireless earbuds you wear in your car so that there’s 0 chance you can hear honking horns or ambulance sirens around you…

  5. geoff the aardvark
    MAY 16, 2021 AT 3:11 PM
    “I thought listening to earphones or headphones while driving was illegal. At least it used to be because it was a distraction like cell phones are while driving.”

    …it honestly doesn’t matter. Way back before cell phones, Bluetooth, or headphones that didn’t make you look like a 1950s airline pilot existed, stereos were generally played loud enough to completely blot out the aural landscape anyway.

    My fire company had many loud things, but one of the loudest was a “Quint” pumper with a 100′ steel aerial ladder platform/deck gun tower made by Grumman (THAT Grumman, yes, during Clinton doldrum years in defense spending just so they’d have something to do) that was festooned with lights like a cross between a waterfront saloon and a San Francisco discotheques, but ALSO amply provided with noisy things.

    The engine itself was a giant Cummings diesel that roared like a Abrams tank running over a grizzly bear, plus it had train whistle amplitude air horns on BOTH sides of the cab roof, an electronic siren with more watts running through it than a ballpark PA system, a giant silver literal bell on the bumper to go with the whistles that was fully functional by means of a pull rope in the cab, and a mechanical “Q” siren as big around as some car tires that was right at rear window level and sounded something like THIS, but a LOT louder;

    …and for all THAT, ON Friday fire runs to the mall with all the drinking establishments in it, we’d get behind some guy just plotzing along digging his jams and completely oblivious to this atonal collection of jagged, discordant sounds that were so loud the airport would call and say “Tone it down!”, but the motorist getting down to Gin and Juice wouldn’t react AT ALL until he happened to glance in his rear view and saw this giant, malevolent basement dehumidifier snarling in his back window from a foot off his back bumper with enough winking lights to land a 747 on the front bumper alone, then he’d do this startled twitch and either slam on his brakes, yank it violently to the side, or jump on the gas pedal with both feet and rocket off into the sunset at Wartime Emergency Power, and you’d never see him again unless he hit something in the process.

    Point being that young people have found a way to be oblivious idiots in cars as long as there’s been young people and cars. This tech just makes it less annoying to everyone at the stop light next to you when there ISN’T an emergency, is all…

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