Breitbart: Border Patrol agents in the Laredo Sector reportedly arrested an illegal immigrant in possession of child porn after he crossed the border from Mexico. The agents discovered the manโs illicit images after detaining him with a migrant group.
Agents patrolling near Cotulla, Texas, encountered a group of migrants who had just crossed the border from Mexico illegally. The agents arrested the group and to them to the Border Patrol station for processing, according to Laredo Sector Border Patrol officials.
During the immigration interview process, agents obtained permission from one of the migrants to search his cell phone.ย more
OH yeah! I saw this on CNN! And ABC! And NBC! And CBS! And MSLSD! And Google! And WaPo! And the New York Slimes! And …
not really …
izlamo delenda est …
Is his name Pedro Podesta?
It was perfectly legal, where he came from. That’s why we need him here.
“Doing the jobs Americans won’t do!”
“They come here for LOVE!”
(!CHEB! – is this the kind of “love” youse be talkin bout?)
izlamo delenda est …