Border Patrol Council head: Nonprofits must be held accountable for contributing to border crisis – IOTW Report

Border Patrol Council head: Nonprofits must be held accountable for contributing to border crisis

JTN: Border Patrol Council head Brandon Judd says that nonprofits and nongovernmental organizations contributing to the border crisis need to be held accountable. 

“When you look at pandering to nongovernmental organizations and you’re looking at funneling money to those organizations for profit — even though they might be a nonprofit organization, they pay salaries,” Judd said on Monday’s edition of the “Just the News, No Noise” TV show. “Well, these salaries come out of the money that is being funneled to them by the federal government.”

The new GOP-controlled house has been asked to address the nonprofits collecting federal money from the government which they use to help get illegal aliens into the country. 

“It’s a very corrupt system all the way around,” Judd stated.  more

11 Comments on Border Patrol Council head: Nonprofits must be held accountable for contributing to border crisis

  1. I briefly worked at a local non-profit. It is definitely a different business model than any for-profit business.
    I think all non-profits need to be reviewed and audited. There are some that are truly doing the good work they intend to do. The rest are just playing the shell game with money and funneling the donations into perks for the employees and board.
    And we need to look at all the endowments out there. How many million/billion dollar endowments are getting taxpayer subsidies?

  2. Any non-profit must have a business model if it wants to be anything other than a local group.
    But any non-profit getting funding from government agencies is clearly going to be biased toward keeping & increasing their funding. That needs to be monitored.

  3. Yes! These organizations, like Catholic Charities and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, have such nice names… It’s like Black Lives Matter: You sound like a horrible person for criticizing or even questioning them.

    But they are major organizations with well paid employees and nice offices all over the country. And they are taking government funds (our tax money) to transport and settle illegal aliens all over this country.

    What ever happened to missionary work, where Christian volunteers went to the shithole counties and lifted the heathens out of poverty and offered them salvation where they lived?

  4. This has been going on for years, animal rights groups, climate groups, illegal groups. They do the dirty work of the government and get paid well to do it.
    IMO a non-profit should never be allowed government money, no grants, nothing. If you’re truly non-profit get your own donations from private individuals, there’s many of them out there that want to shut down raising all animals and shut down all oil, too stupid to realize they have nothing without oil.

  5. Most of the women who are alum of Emerge America and in politics in Maine supposedly “work” for non profits. Big scams.

    The ngo’s are making big money for bringing in the illegals. They bring them then dump them into the welfare system. Which is what they want. They even complain when they first get here about having to pay for things in the stores. Like they say, Mrs. Mills and Joe Biden promised everything would be free.
    In states like ME you can get on welfare as soon as you step foot in the state.
    No time limits any more and no work requirements any more.
    They are also the cause of the crime spikes. Just in our town crime is up 2000%.
    The non profits don’t care.
    They coach the illegals to claim amnesty. Although they have them claim economic amnesty which is not a legally valid reason to claim amnesty.
    They need to lose their non profit status.

  6. You know who else brings these illegals in under radar? Many Mexican Restaurants, nobody of course can prove it, but these men/women open up these restaurants and at first are there working every day, driving around old beat up cars and then suddenly this little restaurant in this little town is making so much money they’re buying expensive houses, going on extravagant trips. One waitress told me how every week they have a new set of illegals in the kitchen, they can’t speak any English, they’re cooking, washing dishes, but kept hidden in the back. Then they’re all gone and the new shipment arrives, anywhere from 5 to 15 at a time. Where they go, where they come from, they have no idea.
    However, that her boss had nothing until this racket started and now they never see him, he’s always gone and if they have a problem they can’t ever reach him and if he does call back he’s at Disney with his kids, or out of the country on another vacation.

    So again no way to prove it and authorities don’t want to seem to investigate it and it’s racist to say it, because usually these businesses are owned by Mexicans.

  7. @ Old Racist White Woman …’re dead on correct. Here in the middle of everywhere America there is a Mexican restaurant chain called “Las Canteras”. They have 4 restaurants within 100 mile and there is never enough customers to pay the rent, let alone thrive. Big old brick buildings. Heat and electric would be expensive as heck….It’s crappy mexican food ta boot…..They simply have to be smuggling illegals….

  8. It’s all nice and helpful to those in actual need, but don’t make me pickup the tab (TAXES) when I can’t afford to cover for all those who may or may not actually be in need and actually just want free stuff.

  9. willysgoatgruff, this one I’m talking about is in a very small town, a town that has two restaurants and a drive-in.
    When he started out he was legit, so obviously someone contacted him and made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. I refuse to eat there anymore, for one because I will not help in anyway and for two if I didn’t believe this is what he’s doing, I don’t want some illegal touching my food.

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