Border Patrol Sector Chief Get Brutal News Hours After Turning Whistleblower – IOTW Report

Border Patrol Sector Chief Get Brutal News Hours After Turning Whistleblower

Border Patrol Sector Chief Get Brutal News Hours After Turning Whistleblower, House Oversight Announces Retaliation Probe.

Western Journal: No matter how many times it is repeated on establishment media, progressive political rhetoric can no longer hide it. If it looks and acts like a totalitarian regime, that’s what it is.

On Friday, Republicans on the House Oversight and Homeland Security committees sent a letter to U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials demanding information about possible retaliation against Gregory Bovino, a CBP official who previously served as Chief Patrol Officer at California’s El Centro Sector of the U.S. southern border, according to the Washington Examiner.

Bovino said he was “relieved of his command” after conducting a transcribed interview with lawmakers earlier this month. Bovino claimed he was “indefinitely” reassigned to the Washington, D.C. office.

The Biden administration is beginning to look increasingly like an ill-conceived version of the evil Empire in Star Wars with President Joe Biden cast as the Emperor and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas playing the role of Darth Vader. It looks like Bovino has been called back to the Death Star. more

17 Comments on Border Patrol Sector Chief Get Brutal News Hours After Turning Whistleblower

  1. Biden as Emperor Palpatine? … & Mayorkas as Vader?

    HAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahahahaha …. Biden & Mayorkas couldn’t organize a walk around the block!

    he is correct, though … they’re evil, but they’re just play a role

  2. every time this regime breaks the law, and gets away with it, they are just emboldened to continue their crime spree. Someone needs to get the ball rolling.

  3. They do it because they know there will be no real repercussions. The impotent jabbering of a few Republican lawmakers is just that.

    I tire of the do-nothing Republicans, but they’re the only game in town and they know it.

  4. This type of tyrannical behavior won’t stop for now.
    The R’s just yell at everyone and send them home.
    They threaten impeachment every other day then say it would take too much time.
    They like being losers so they don’t have actual responsibility.

    Soros is the Emperor and Obama is Darth Vader carrying out the wishes of the Emperor.

  5. Law “enforcement” is corrupt.
    The judiciary is corrupt.
    The media are the willful stooges of nihilistic totalitarianism.
    The agencies are corrupt.

    What, exactly, are the Republicans supposed to do?

    It’s fairly plain that if We, the People of the United States, want to throw off the yoke of totalitarianism, then We, the People of the United States, are going to have to throw off the yoke of totalitarianism!

    You cannot reason or compromise with megalomaniacal maggots and their associated parasites.

    The Republican Party is absolutely infested with RINOs and other traitors (the regular greedy type) – these maggots have infiltrated every aspect of our formerly great Republic and will have to be weeded out and eliminated one at a time.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. “Actors don’t get to vote on how the movie ends. The American voter does. The 2024 election could make or break America.”

    You still think your voat matters. How CUTE!

    “Every citizen must do their part to make sure the election is fair and that their vote counts.”

    Well, I’M still here, so do the math!

    *I* sure will be! You can “Count” on me!


  7. Looking out from the “Light Side of the Force” things seem dark. On the other hand, looking out from the “Dark Side of the Force” things look bright and happy. Which would you rather see?

  8. Douchebag thought he can do whatever the hell he feels like. Not quite, keep trash talking moron cause one of those bodeies washing up just might be yours.


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