Border Patrol tent shelter for immigrants has baby-changing tables, laundry machines, AC – IOTW Report

Border Patrol tent shelter for immigrants has baby-changing tables, laundry machines, AC

American Military News: The new U.S. Border Patrol temporary tent facility in El Paso is an air-conditioned complex with sleeping mats and baby changing tables, showers and laundry.

The “soft-sided temporary facility” can hold up to 500 people and is intended to help Border Patrol deal with the a continuous flow of Central American families crossing the El Paso border.

“It helps. It gives us that capacity to move people through the process quicker. That doesn’t mean it will stop the flow. It just means we can move people quicker than normal,” Border Patrol spokesman Agent Ramiro Cordero said.

The Border Patrol on Thursday hosted a tour for the news media of the facility set up to hold families on a 1.2 acre site on the grounds of the Border Patrol station next to the Patriot Freeway in Northeast El Paso.

Tents were empty Thursday afternoon but was ready to go into operation as soon as Thursday night, officials said. The Border Patrol set up another tent facility in Donna near McAllen in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.  more here

19 Comments on Border Patrol tent shelter for immigrants has baby-changing tables, laundry machines, AC

  1. Does it have three Judges to hear asylum requests 7/24/as well as the means to transport these illegals back to Mexico or group them together by country and send them back (whichever is the legal process). By all means give them a chance to rest and recuperate (3 days ought to be enough), get medical treatment as appropriate, slip them a few bucks and shoot them back across the border. May want to consider charging Mexico the cost as they let them across both their borders to begin with.

  2. When you have idiots and criminals running government, then of course, there’s always plenty of other people’s money to burn.

    Make it so the largess comes directly out of their pensions and benefits and see how their wastefulness withers.

  3. The OTHER side of the border has a tent where they molest children, a river so polluted they can’t even rinse clothes in it, and the only A/C is in the cab of the mule’s semi that packs 300 amigos into the ventless trailer.

    But our Lefties gripe that we aren’t humane enough.

  4. “It just means we can move people quicker than normal,…”
    That must be much better than home! With accommodations like that, they aren’t going anywhere quickly.

  5. Meanwhile the local citizenry has swamp cooling , high property taxes and super high water bills that they pay without the government help. Yay Beto Land.

  6. If we can do that for citizens of other countries, why can’t we do that for our citizens living on the streets of our cities? No doubt there are sanitary things for waste and no one is pooping in the sand there.
    We are a nutty country. We are idiots.
    We can blame this guy or that gal, but we’re the ones paying for this.

  7. Instead giving those invaders air conditioned tents and all the other amenities send them back where they came from. They get to enjoy every thing and never leave. As we have seen before they expect to be taken care of.

  8. These illegals are being given immediate care and then are being quickly dispersed into US urban areas to REMAIN. They are not being sent back to anywhere they came from, which is from many places. This is illegal asylum being given to foreign invaders/enemies. Thanks to Trump and the Pentagon’s non-action to protect and defend the country at the border.

  9. Our country that’s not so great?
    It’s so fucking great that OUR President has consideration for people, frankly, we owe no consideration to AT ALL.
    So o pleasure yourself to death, buttigieg.

  10. This is insane. Instead go to Maricopa county, grab former Sheriff Joe’s old tents, and install them…no air, a cot, and that is it…okay, maybe a hot dog, bag of chips, and some water. Misplaced compassion is a sin.

  11. Why are American citizens responsible for keeping the world’s families together (always meaning united in the US), and providing unlimited free child care?
    The whole asylum process is fake, and designed to make a mockery of national sovereignty and borders.
    Mandatory E-verify would end employment for illegals, which is why they come here. But neither DC DEMs nor DC REPUBS even mention it. They are in the pocket of the Chamber of Commerce, which wants cheap labor.

  12. There is no enforcement being done at the border. However, there is a huge amount of lying being done. Trump wants to be revered, but for what?

    Migrant Apprehensions by Border Patrol Hit 476K in 7 Months, Says CBP
    BOB PRICE6 May 2019

    “More than 12,000 migrants required hospital care during the first seven months of this year, he explained. This compares to about 11,000 for all of the previous fiscal year.

    Due to court rulings and broken asylum laws, CBP began releasing “non-criminal” migrants and children directly to NGOs and to bus stations (daytime only). Since the new program began on March 19, Border Patrol agents released more than 30,000 migrants,
    the official stated.”

    To put an end to the current crisis of Central American migrants crossing the border in record numbers, the Border Patrol official stated that Congress needs to revise the Flores decision that forces the release of migrant families after a 20-day detention and fix the Trafficking Victims Protection Re-authorization Act (TVPRA) signed in 2008 by President George W. Bush. This law prohibits returning Central American migrant minors to their home country without an immigration hearing on asylum.”

    “The official said Border Patrol agents have about 1,000 migrant minors in custody on any given day.”

    Trump Is Surrendering on Immigration
    By Pedro Gonzalez| May 6th, 2019
    “American troops now have official instructions to do even more to facilitate illegal immigration than prevent it.
    A spokesman for the Defense Department made this fact painfully clear in a statement:”

    To recap: Troops are not allowed to detain illegals but have instead been instructed to transport them in bulk to processing stations—opened in the heart of American communities, without the input of residents in those communities—within the United States, where they will receive care and comfort, before being released into the country by the tens of thousands—all against Trump’s word that “Tens of thousands of illegals are being apprehended (captured) at the Border and NOT allowed into our Country.”

    All paid for by you, the taxpayer.

    What is President Trump doing? What is Stephen Miller doing? How do all-expenses paid trips from the border into the United States for illegals figure into making America great again?”

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