Border patrol to expand DNA collection of certain illegal immigrants nationwide – IOTW Report

Border patrol to expand DNA collection of certain illegal immigrants nationwide

Just The News: U.S. Customs and Border Patrol is expanding nationwide its efforts to collect DNA samples from certain illegal immigrants suspected of crimes and plans to complete the process by month’s end, well ahead of its deadline.

“This aggressive timeline represents a strong commitment by CBP to implement collection under this law, well ahead of the 3 years contemplated by the rule,” the agency said.

The DNA collections were authorized by the DNA Fingerprint Act of 2005 passed by Congress in early 2006, which required CBP to gather DNA from individuals who are arrested, facing criminal charges or convicted, and from non-U.S. individuals who are detained under federal authority. The samples are supposed to be added to the FBI database known as the Combined DNA Index System or CODIS.

Under the Obama administration, however, CBP was granted an exemption from complying with the law by claiming “operational exigencies or resource limitations.” more

4 Comments on Border patrol to expand DNA collection of certain illegal immigrants nationwide

  1. ” …. its efforts to collect DNA samples from certain illegal immigrants suspected of crimes and plans to complete the process by month’s end ….”

    Have to get done now or it will disappear come January under the Biden/Harris administration.

  2. If they are close enough to collect a DNA sample, uh, aren’t they close enough to placing them in handcuffs, putting them on a bus or an airplane and sending them back to wherever they came from?

    We’re paying for all this stuff and no closer to getting rid of the 20M illegals in this country. I wonder who’s kid, brother, sister, etc. got the contracts for all these things.

  3. My favorite illegal alien jumped through the hoops for 15 years, paid the piper and was sworn in as a U.S. Citizen the day before Thanksgiving….. Happiest most thankful guy I know.


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