Border Patrol Wives Issue scathing Letter to Pelosi – IOTW Report

Border Patrol Wives Issue scathing Letter to Pelosi

Dan Bongino: A letter written by a group of Border Patrol wives has gone viral after they invited House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to tour the Texas-Mexico border and told her to “stop pretending” that she cared about federal workers.


The letter reads, in part:

“We the wives of the Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol would like to cordially invite you to come visit McAllen, TX as president Trump did…We would like to show you around. You don’t need to bring any security detail. Our husbands/…significant others are actually very good at their jobs, thank goodness! We’d also appreciate if you’d stop pretending you care about federal workers. If you did, you would care for their safety, not just their paychecks. We can hold out a while longer if it means our husbands and communities are safer….You don’t even need to worry about those MS-13 gang members you’ll see running across the Border. Our guys and gals catch a lot of them. Like I said, they are good at their jobs!!”

Two of the wives–Jill Demanski and Renea Perez–joined Fox and Friends today to discuss the letter.  MORE

10 Comments on Border Patrol Wives Issue scathing Letter to Pelosi

  1. Is it just my curmudgeonly ass or does the whole concept of posts on social media that are referred to as having “gone viral” make anyone else’s ass crave ice water?

    I’m really sick of hearing that.

    Similar to the way the term ‘hero’ is assigned and bandied about lately. And don’t get me started on ‘elite’. I can really go off on that.

  2. @ Left Coast Dan:

    Good thing we don’t rely on one person who’s span of control might be a couple of blocks or even a few miles to grasp the scope of a national security issue.

  3. The FBI came out with a statement today saying they had no idea the motive of the Las Vegas shooter Paddock. I’ve heard a bout a half a dozen high ranking officials say that the FBI informed them that it was Terrorists that drove across the border, shot the place up and drove back. In fact I’m pretty sure that was expressed during testimony given to Congress from an FBI guy. Is the FBI trying to cover something up to keep the wall from being built?

  4. Lowell –

    Rant on, sir.

    “Viral’ makes want to hurl. And don’t get me started on ‘Star’.

    Some obscure play/movie with some unknown actor…and he is a suddenly a ‘star’?


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