Border Wall Costume Leads To Administrative Leave For 14 School Employees – IOTW Report

Border Wall Costume Leads To Administrative Leave For 14 School Employees

DC: Fourteen Idaho school employees were put on administrative leave after wearing costumes of President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall and outfits that depicted Mexicans.

Middleton School District Superintendent Josh Middleton made the announcement Saturday morning after a special board meeting that addressed the costumes. A letter to the district’s community and parents outlined steps the district would take following the politically-charged costumes.

The plan includes having security at Middleton Heights Elementary School, having the District’s “Crisis Team” to “support the social-emotional well-being, for students, staff and parents,” and cultural sensitivity training for staff.

“Middleton is under a microscope, and I view this as an opportunity to learn and grow from this incident, and even more create enhanced learning environments where Every Child Learning Every Day is wrapped in Every Child Shown Kindness, Respect and Love Everyday,” Middleton wrote.

Photos of the school employees wearing sombreros and ponchos to represent Mexicans and a border wall costume that read “Make America Great Again” were posted on the school’s Facebook page Thursday night, but were later removed. Screenshots of the pictures went viral, according to The Associated Press.

The costumes were allegedly part of a “team-building activity” to see who could dress most accurately as a country based on stereotypes, a Facebook post claimed, the Idaho Press reported. The activity occurred after school hours. Board of Trustees Chairman Tim Winkle denounced the action, though he confirmed the information from the post.  more here

15 Comments on Border Wall Costume Leads To Administrative Leave For 14 School Employees

  1. Progressive do not have a sense of humor. They are the most miserable people you will meet.

    I suspect a larger percentage, compared to normal people, are on psychotropic drugs.

  2. Maybe they can make it a teachable moment and lay down some ground rules of how to depict mexicans if not with sombreros and ponchos. The way it has been left for the kids to sort out is mexicans don’t wear sombreros and ponchos; but generally wear something else. I’d like for the students to know what that something else is. It is a school that teaches things after all, yes?

  3. I agree with so many of you who posted. Libs have no sense of humor. I think it’s hysterical, but that’s just me. I have a dear friend who is a lib. We argue all the time. But, I still love her. She seems to be coming around on some issues. I guess old age is setting in. Ha!

  4. What happened to the days when teachers decorated their classrooms with dried leaves, gourds, acorns, and pumpkins. What happened to the days when teachers used the season to prompt science lessons about astronomy and why we have seasons, history lessons about where and why Hallowe’en originated, or the Salem witch trials, English lessons reading the Headless Horseman or Edgar Allen Poe, or maybe just baking muffins with orange frosting…

    The real problem here that ought to be addressed is that our public school curriculums including the quality of our teachers have seriously tanked.


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