Boris Johnson and EU Agree to Brexit Deal – IOTW Report

Boris Johnson and EU Agree to Brexit Deal

PJM: It took them a mightily long time, but British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the leaders of the European Union have finally reached a Brexit deal with each other. Johnson will enable parliament to vote on the deal come Saturday.

For Johnson, this is — of course — great news. Many people started to doubt his ability to get this done, even though it’s clear that both the EU and Britain are fed up with the negotiations and want to move on. However, until today it seemed that neither side was prepared to actually compromise, which is, it goes without saying, rather vital in any serious negotiations.

That problem has been overcome, or so it seems. And just in time too, because the deadline for Brexit is October 31. If a Brexit deal hasn’t been reached and approved before that date, Johnson will be forced to request yet another delay. This because Parliament earlier adopted a law that rules out a No-Deal Brexit.

Johnson confirmed rumors that a deal had been reached earlier today. “We’ve got a great new deal that takes back control,” he said. “Now Parliament should get Brexit done on Saturday so we can move on to other priorities like the cost of living, the NHS, violent crime, and our environment.”

In other words, Parliament will get to vote on the deal on Saturday. Without their support for it, it cannot be implemented… and Johnson will once again have to go back to Brussels to reopen negotiations (and request a delay). read more

3 Comments on Boris Johnson and EU Agree to Brexit Deal

  1. Pelosi is now walking around with an orange bullet pendent on a wrist bracelet signaling she wants Trump assassinated. She needs to be dealt with now. She needs to be permanently removed.


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