Bossie releases ‘Zuckerbucks’ film, as over 40k shown to have bypassed Wisc. voter ID rules in 2020 – IOTW Report

Bossie releases ‘Zuckerbucks’ film, as over 40k shown to have bypassed Wisc. voter ID rules in 2020

Just The News:

With pro-Trump activist and political filmmaker David Bossie premiering a new documentary on Tuesday at Mar-a-Lago about the influence of “Zuckerbucks” in swaying the 2020 election in battleground states like Wisconsin, an election integrity watchdog group has documented that more than 40,000 absentee ballots in that state were cast in 2020 without providing ID by voters self-identifying as “indefinitely confined.”

In “Rigged: The Zuckerberg Funded Plot to Defeat Donald Trump,” Bossie, president of conservative nonprofit Citizens United, explores how Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg injected nearly $400 million into the 2020 presidential election through two left-leaning voter turnout nonprofits — the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) and the Center for Election Innovation & Research (CEIR) — “with most of the funds funneled to government elections offices in critically important jurisdictions for Joe Biden — to finance get-out-the-vote efforts aimed at defeating” Trump, according press materials for the film.

On Monday, elections watchdog group Voter Reference Foundation (VRF) posted records obtained via the Wisconsin Elections Commission documenting the number of voters who circumvented state voter ID requirements in 2020 by claiming “indefinitely confined” status during the COVID-19 pandemic. read more

6 Comments on Bossie releases ‘Zuckerbucks’ film, as over 40k shown to have bypassed Wisc. voter ID rules in 2020

  1. They own all the investigative bodies, the courts, the entire federal legislature, all the alphabet agencies, all the big cities, and much of many state legislatures.

    Nothing will happen because nothing CAN happen.

    No criminal will investigate himself.

    No theiving sheriff will lock himself up.

    No dictator will agree to an honest investigation when he knows the truth can only end up with his neck stretched with a short rope.

    All this is doing now is demostrating how powerful they are and how cowardly we are.

    …so, as before, as always, nothing happens.

    That’s the only reason they even let you publish this.

    Because it proves only that they can do anything they want.

    A lesson they’ll reinforce with guns and gulags before too much more time has passed.

  2. Just more distractions, while they rest drive US in the ground.
    They still have another 7 month to ____ things up.
    Zuckerberg the scapegoat. Never mind MSM, Hollywood, Dorsey, Pence, Clintons, Obama, Bidens…….., the other Pedos and crooks.

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