Boston jihadis originally planned to behead Pamela Geller – IOTW Report

Boston jihadis originally planned to behead Pamela Geller


UPDATE: Apparently the “person outside Massachusetts” they were targeting was Pamela Geller; CNN called her for comment on it.

Dawud Sharif Wright

Will the media elites begin to call for her protection and the defense of the freedom of speech?

UPDATE 2: Here is CNN’s report confirming that Usaama Rahim was targeting Pamela Geller.


This report doesn’t say who they had in mind, but they do seem to have had someone specific. Hmmmm…who on earth could it be? In any case, they ultimately decided to attack local police instead. So many “provocations,” so little time! MORE


6 Comments on Boston jihadis originally planned to behead Pamela Geller

  1. I still am at the point where I struggle to wrap my mind around the idea that even some Americans and Europeans hold: that somehow it is like some matter of course, “unfortunate” as it may be, that free speech can get you slaughtered **simply because the offended party doesn’t like your opinion.**

    “Well, it’s against their rules to insult their prophet.” So the eff what? It’s part of our rules that we get to have an opinion.

    And it amazes me even more that people fail to see they are engaging in nothing more than mind control, and that they don’t find that troubling.

  2. @Lisl — I have had this discussion with many a libtard. They call me a hater and racist, which means I win the argument. But to them, stopping someone from speaking what they perceive to be “hate speech” (whatever that is) should be allowed because…well..because!

    I pointed out that what they were doing was to use fear, hatred, intimidation, lies, and innuendo to get me to say what they say, do what they do, and worst of all, think what they think. Which makes them a fascist. They were immediately on the defensive and bleating that I was the fascist for using hate speech. I asked if I was trying to get them to change their point of view by calling them names and lying about their intent. Didn’t matter. The more focused and targeted my points became, the louder they got and the larger the lies they told.

    And then I knew what hate speech was — anything a libtard doesn’t want to hear.

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