Boston May Remove Abraham Lincoln Statue – IOTW Report

Boston May Remove Abraham Lincoln Statue

Oh FFS! Can we remove ALL references to black people and slavery?
That includes all art, documentaries, books, talk of reparations, and anything starting with the word BLACK. This way no one has anything to complain about. Everyone will be a different variation of blue+orange and then we can all shut the fuck up and live in peace and harmony.

Dan Bongino: Boston Mayor Marty Walsh is in favor of taking down a statue of Abraham Lincoln standing with a freed slave.

After a petition was launched for its removal, the mayor’s office said that Walsh wants a “community discussion” about its future, and whether a “new statue commemorating the end of slavery should be commissioned to take its place,” said the New York Post, reporting from the Boston Globe. more

25 Comments on Boston May Remove Abraham Lincoln Statue

  1. The Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th Regiment memorial was also recently defaced.

    There was a post here on iOTW about it, some of us will NEVER FORGET. That is one of the most amazing sculptures of its type, EVER.

    Shaw is depicted as riding into battle while his soldiers march ‘underneath’ and behind him. Over all of them is an angel.

    And Lincoln is standing over the emancipated slave with broken chains…

    Where is this going or is that rhetorical?

  2. Just tear them all down. Paint everything faggy rainbow colors, so no one is offended and let’s try to erase the past because god forbid it hasn’t always been peaches and cream, even though none of these current Antifa fucks or BLM brown clowns have really been offended…they just like to pretend they are. Getting sick of this shit.

  3. Oh FFS! Can we remove ALL references to black people and slavery? That includes all art, documentaries, books, talk of reparations, and anything starting with the word BLACK.

    Wouldn’t it be a lot easier simply to remove all the…

    Nope. Not gonna type what I’m thinking.

    BAD Uncle Al! BAD! BAD!

  4. @RadioMattM:

    Reparations for what? There wasn’t any slavery. I see no evidence of such a history.

    Brilliant, sir! Brilliant in its simplicity and skewery-ness (I just made that word up, obviously, but it fits perfectly).

  5. I’m sure most politicians and our secretary of defense and previous secretary of defense and previous secretary of state would all approve, tell the national guard to disarm and take a knee, and then watch the monument come down as they lay prostrate before the congress of blm.
    Of course if someone tried to tear down a mlk statue, those same esteemed pieces of shit would quickly tell the national guard to get up, arm themselves, and start shooting to protect their most sacred monument of Martin Looter King.

    The sooner the civil war, the sooner we can start over without THOSE PEOPLE.

  6. We don’t have a country anymore.

    Let’s face it: we’ll be a lot happier splitting the nation up and living the lives we want to live.

    After today’s Supreme Court decisions obliterating the Second Amendment and forcing transvestite maniacs on us, freedom speech and freedom of religion is toast.

    This is no exaggeration.

  7. things are going to explode after the election if Trump wins … the Commarchists are heavily financed by Corporate America, Silicon Valley, China & Soro’s shadow organizations

    we’re going to experience a whole lot of ‘Autonomous Zones’ & the rise of various warlord President Dwayne Hector Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho’s

    … & the world, as we know it, will collapse … going to be interesting on who fills the vacuum

    (my bets are on China; & it’s not a good thing for the world … get ready to eat your horses …. AMMO UP!)

  8. America has some of the most beautiful and thoughtful monuments and memorials in the world, I hope some volunteers & agencies protect them.

    My country on the other hand seems obsessed with beavers, and not the fun kind either. WTF

  9. I’m so tired of black this, black that, blacks being crazy and violent, black everything, that they have driven me nuts enough I have started changing TV channels when a black person is on.
    Sad shit.

  10. If you want to see where this is heading, look up the Memento Memorial Park in Budapest, Hungary. It is filled with statues of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin and Hungarian Communists. After the Iron Curtain fell in 1989, these statues were taken down by a newly freed people who had endured forty years of communist tyranny. Many of them were collected and placed on display in this open air museum. There are monuments celebrating the liberation of Hungary by the Red Army, and ones that extol the workers who helped the Red Army put down the 1956 Hungarian Uprising. Some of them are huge, some of them are just plaques. This is what’s in store for all those statues of slave owners who happened to write the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution, much less all those Confederate generals and soldiers. It’s a warning from history that should frighten all Americans who treasure their heritage.


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