Boston Police Captain Turns Son in for Plotting Islamic State Jihad – IOTW Report

Boston Police Captain Turns Son in for Plotting Islamic State Jihad

Breitbart: On Thursday, a grand jury indicted 23-year-old Alexander Ciccolo – also known as Ali al Amriki, “Amriki” being the surname the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) usually gives to American recruits – on a host of new charges related to his alleged support for the Islamic State.

Ciccolo’s father, Boston police captain Robert Ciccolo, contacted the FBI in 2014 over his son’s expressed wishes to fight for the Islamic State, launching a surveillance operation that ended up producing a long list of terrorism-related charges.

The elder Ciccolo has been criticized from some quarters for not treating his son as mentally ill and renewing the psychological care that had lapsed in his late teens, instead going to the FBI.  more

5 Comments on Boston Police Captain Turns Son in for Plotting Islamic State Jihad

  1. My dad always told my brothers, sister & I that if we got in trouble not to expect any help from him to get us out. None of us ever got in jail.

    God bless this dad for turning in his son.

  2. Hillary, that’s what a Hard Choice looks like.

    Barack, that’s what “Boston Strong” looks like.

    And if the cop was named Mohammd Ahmed, he’d probably tell us what a good boy his son was, after the massacre.

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