Boston reparations task force will not complete work by end-of-year target – IOTW Report

Boston reparations task force will not complete work by end-of-year target

WBUR: The task force charged with making recommendations to city leaders regarding possible reparations for Black Bostonians will not complete its work by the end of this year as originally planned, its chair said this week.

Attorney Joseph Feaster, who oversees the task force, said the group is still gathering research in what is the first of three phases involved with creating its final report. more

14 Comments on Boston reparations task force will not complete work by end-of-year target

  1. I clicked through to the ordinance. For compensation it says ‘to be determined by the mayor’. I’m guessing they are hourly and are milking it – and the expenses too.
    I guarantee no actual reparations will result – except for the task force members of course.

  2. You have no right, legal or moral, to take money from people because they ate visually White and give it to people because they are visually Black, no matter what grievances a previous generation of specific Black people may have against certain particular long-dead White people.

    Go to hell.

  3. I’ve never owned a slave but I’ve been one to the government since I began getting paychecks.
    I intend to have none of my money go to reparations.

  4. Give EVERY black person who was ACTUALLY a slave $1,000,000, and take if from EVERY white person who ACTUALLY owned slaves. So pretty much tell them all to F-OFF. If you aren’t willing to count the TRILLIONS that have been WASTED on the Great Society, WELFARE, Affirmative Action, etc. programs towards some sort of “reparations,” then you are being disingenuous. Whites, who had NOTHING TO DO WITH SLAVERY, have already shelled out MORE THAN ENOUGH, all so that blacks have THROWN AWAY whatever help they have received, etc. and as worse off than before 1965. Enough is enough. Get on a boat and GET THE HELL OUT…or SHUT THE HELL UP.

  5. If US blacks believe they would have been better off remaining in Africa and thus are owed reparations for their displacement, how do they account for the millions of Africans trying to make it to the US today?

  6. MAF
    FRIDAY, 8 MARCH 2024, 18:22 AT 6:22 PM
    “Here’s and Idea, Get the money from the African tribes that sold you into slavery. I hear Nigeria has a lot of excess cash.”

    Yes, I am very sorry my people were slavers, and I’ll be happy to wire everybody money. I just need your bank account number and everything will be done.

  7. The Reverend Al
    FRIDAY, 8 MARCH 2024, 19:49 AT 7:49 PM
    “@Nigerian Prince – but I need to send you $5,000 first, to confirm my bank account, right? Like last time?”

    You are close, yes, but international Bank rules require transfers of $10,000 USD now to confirm, something about an American term “shrinkflation”, but yes, do this and you will get all the reparations you deserve!


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