Botched Russia assessment raises questions of Intel chiefs’ motives – IOTW Report

Botched Russia assessment raises questions of Intel chiefs’ motives

Washington Times—

Fourteen days before President Trump took the oath of office, the Obama administration’s intelligence chiefs made public a unanimous assessment claiming Russian operatives, under orders from President Vladimir Putin, had orchestrated an influence campaign to help Mr. Trump win the presidential contest.

It was a watershed moment: the CIA, National Security Agency and FBI challenging the legitimacy of a U.S. presidential victory.

The conclusions in the Jan. 6 document were sharp, but the findings unraveled 10 months later, raising questions about the basis for the evidence and the motives of the Obama appointees leading the nation’s intelligence and law enforcement agencies.

“It left me scratching my head,” said one intelligence source with personal access to former Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper and former CIA Director John O. Brennan, two of the men who had signed off on the assessment.

The 15-page document presented to the president-elect at Trump Tower in Manhattan was mostly filler — a republication of a years-old CIA analysis of the Kremlin’s global television network Russia Today. A mere five pages were dedicated to charge that Moscow blended cyberhacking with state-backed propaganda and social media trolls to defeat Mr. Trump’s Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton.

There was no supporting documentation of how America’s top spies arrived at the brazen conclusion that Russians had “gained access to” and “exfiltrated large volumes of data” from Democratic National Committee computers, an explosive claim that sent shock waves across the U.S. political and intelligence landscapes.

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8 Comments on Botched Russia assessment raises questions of Intel chiefs’ motives

  1. The only idiots that believed any of this was true were the mainstream media (dishonestly so) and those Democrats with their heads up their asses – there is a lot of overlap between the two.

  2. The entire Intelligence community (CIA, NSA, DOJ and FBI) have
    been helplessly infiltrated.

    Call them the deep state, black state, establishment operatives or just plain opposition political hacks, they are the antithesis of a free Republic. If left intact they will further damage this Nation.

    All mid-level employees and above should be vetted by a thorough evaluation and investigation by an outside authority. Those that raise any questions of loyalty or impartiality must be routed from the US Intelligence community.

  3. That fake dossier was a warning to President Trump to shape up and fly right or they would produce many such smear sheets and torment him with special counsels, leaks and other forms of harassment in the guise of assorted libtards like Maxipad Waters, et al!

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