Both Sides Bash Zuckerberg After Weird Vow To Protect Elections From Foreign Meddling – IOTW Report

Both Sides Bash Zuckerberg After Weird Vow To Protect Elections From Foreign Meddling

“Good God that Zuckerberg video is weird,” said MSNBC’s Chris Hayes.


The Lid: On Thursday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg made a pledge to protect “election integrity” and democracy from the possibility of foreign meddling after promising to provide details to congressional investigators about ads purchased by Russians during the 2016 elections. Both Democrats and Republicans thought his proclamation was strange.

“The integrity of our elections is fundamental to democracy around the world,” said Zuckerberg. “That’s why we’ve built teams dedicated to working on election integrity and preventing governments from interfering in the elections of other nations.”

But his statement didn’t sit too well with many on social media, and the young executive found himself being criticized by both conservatives and liberals.

“Good God that Zuckerberg video is weird,” said MSNBC’s Chris Hayes — hardly an icon of conservative thought.  more here

SNIP: And even with Zucky’s help, the ‘Russian interference’  business continues to spiral down the drain.
Anything to keep from focusing on 0bama and the Clintons, eh?

17 Comments on Both Sides Bash Zuckerberg After Weird Vow To Protect Elections From Foreign Meddling

  1. God complex much??

    the leftist fockerberger is an idiot, next he will say “do no evil”

    these pathetic leftists don’t care a hoot for democracy other than to ride it to totalitarianism where they think they will be our rules or those of us who are left after the cull.

  2. He’s even weirder to us people who’ve never touched Facebook. His enthusiasm for lickspittle snitchery and delusions of grandeur are embarrassing. Did Mueller’s team tell him what to say, or did he come up with that palaver all by himself?

  3. maxie zoomed dweebie … reminds me of that guy on ‘Office Space’ that was always babbling on about the Pet Rock & his ‘Jump To Conclusions’ game that was gonna make him a fortune ….
    … just another asswipe that made it big w/ a stupid idea … kinda like Bill Gates … doesn’t mean you are brilliant … just means you built a better mousetrap … ain’t Capitalism great?

  4. It is curious that none of these wealthy Lib’s are questioning China ? They seem only interested in Russia . That tells me China and the Democrats may have worked together ? Trump constantly spoke of China’s manipulation of it’s Currency , and was ready to bring the hammer down on China !

  5. What’s funny – and shows that the left is well indoctrinated but very poorly educated – is their citing this as “proof” the Russians meddled in the election to swing it to Trump.

    It is their fervent belief that spending less than $5,000 per month on Facebook ads alone ( a total of 3,000 ads over 2 years) obliterated in excess of $500,000 per month that Clinton spent on media on ALL platforms for 2 months PLUS the universally positive news stories on her versus “Trump is a nazi baby eater with bad breath” from the same outlets AND the full weight of the corrupt Obama administration weaponizing the intelligence services and every bureaucracy against Trump.

    Yeah. Facebook is that powerful.

  6. He was taught at a young age that his last name was to be spelt beginning with the 6th letter of the alphabet.

    But he thought it made his name too descriptive, so he added 20 and jumped to the 26th letter.

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