Bounce Jon Tester! – IOTW Report

Bounce Jon Tester!

h/t OpenTheDoor.

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Here’s the website for Troy Downing.

Troy Downing began his career in education as a research scientist and educator at one of the largest private universities in the country. Troy would later found a technology startup company that would go on to merge with Yahoo!. Then came September 11th, 2001. Deeply affected by 9/11, Troy enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and served eight years in a Combat Search and Rescue squadron, including serving in two deployments to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom where Troy helped to evacuate countless wounded warriors off the battlefield.

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The website for Russ Fagg.

Russ clerked for the Supreme Court, then began practicing law. He ran for the Montana legislature and served two terms. There he met his wife, Karen. The two have been super blessed with twins, Harrison and Barclay.

After working in private practice as an attorney, then serving as City Prosecutor and Deputy Yellowstone County Attorney, Russ decided to run for Judge. He won, and served for 20 years.

Now, Russ is stepping down from the bench and running for the U.S. Senate. Join him!

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From the website for Dr. Al Olszewski.

  • THIRD GENERATION MONTANAN | Born and raised in Great Falls, Dr. Al is the son of a carpenter and great grandson of farmers and miners who pioneered Central Montana and the Hi-Line.
  • AIR FORCE VETERAN | Dr. Al demonstrates service above self. Over a decade in the U.S. Air Force fortified his love for our nation and the constitution we were founded upon.
  • PHYSICIAN | Over the past 30 years, Dr. Al has cared for +100,000 patients (recipient of the 2017 Flathead’s Best Orthopedist Award). Formerly a part business owner of a clinic, he has the greatest understanding of our broken healthcare system and how to fix it to better serve Montanans.
  • BATTLE-TESTED STATE LEGISLATOR | Having served the past four years at our state Capitol, Dr. Al is a fearless and driving force for legislation that enhances rural healthcare, supports public lands, and protects life from conception to natural death (recipient of 2017 Montana NAMI Hero Award).
  • FAMILY VALUES | Dr. Al is a husband of 30 years and biological, foster, and adoptive father of six children, and soon to be grandpa!

SNIP: Thank you, P Henry for the list.

Montana readers, What do you think of these guys? 
Are there any more you’d like to list? Let us know in the comments.

12 Comments on Bounce Jon Tester!

  1. Being from Montana, I like Matt Rosendale and Dr. Al O the best. Full disclosure: I have met both of them and not the other two so I am admittedly biased towards the two I know. However, any of them would be a far cry better than Tester. MAGA

  2. Can I just roll Tester down the hill to where the , ah ah, stuff rolls that rolls down hill. He’d feel at home there.

    To bounce him I’d first have to lift him. I can’t do it. Have you seen what a large crock of, no wait, what large tub of lard he is?

  3. Tester went full Democrat. Never go full Democrat in Montana. This guy has a 100% rating from the NRA. I wonder why? He has a ton of weapons manufactures in his district. Probably the major manufacturers.


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