Bowe Bergdahl’s Dad Must Be Monitored – IOTW Report

Bowe Bergdahl’s Dad Must Be Monitored

In regards to Bob Bergdahl, if you see something, say something.

I’ve seen something. I’ve seen a nutball who is an enemy sympathizer. I see an unstable time bomb.

In his youtube account he has favorited a video about a  disillusioned U.S soldier proclaiming  that our American troops in Afghanistan are the real terrorists, not the Taliban or Al-Qaeda.

Under the terms of the agreement Obama ironed out with the Taliban, the 5 Dream Team terrorists are to be released and watched for one year in some other middle-eastern America-hating sh!thole before being allowed to return to their own blanket on the dirt floor and plotting the overthrow of non-Muslims.

The very least we can do is keep our eye on these Bergdahls. They are the enemy as far as I’m concerned, as is our current president and his entire regime, including anyone who voted for him, shills for him, apologizes for him.

19 Comments on Bowe Bergdahl’s Dad Must Be Monitored

  1. There’s room for this crapweasel and his son in Gitmo; while we’re at it, send Obongo there as well–he and the Wookie can live in a tropical paradise where they’re right at home (providing the price of arugula isn’t too high!)

  2. Sadly Bob Bergdahl only stated in the WH Rose Garden what Obama has been saying for six years, between the lines and openly, from the same location and elsewhere.

    And it will continue because we have a Senate and MSM full of Neville Chamberlains. I think Obama must be amazed each evening that after each new push beyond the boundary of treason to new extreme the Senate and MSM does nothing of consequence.

    It must be similar to Martin Vangar’s amazement that people will willingly walk into the trap of his torture/death chamber rather than be impolite, as Mikael Blomkvist did in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.

  3. This reminds of that army Lt. Ehren Watada. He joined the army after the war started and was from a family of left-wingers. As soon as he got ordered with his unit to Iraq he refused to go, very publicly. The whole purpose of which was to advance the idea that the war in Iraq was illegal and Bush needed to be impeached and tried for war crimes.

    He went into the Army in order to do exactly that. I think this person Bergdahl did exactly that too. It’s a setup from the word go.

  4. By a setup I don’t mean his purpose was to do what the Lt. did. Bergdahl is an more ugly piece of work. The Lt. was just part of the American Left. Bergdahl is worse. Much worse.

  5. I have been angry many times over the last six years of hell under Obama, but I have NEVER been as angry as I am right now. Trading terrorists for this traitor then standing with the mooslime father in the Rose Garden is just poking patriotic Americans in the eye. And Congress does nothing. Oh wait – they’re going to “investigate” (eye roll). It is past time that something is done. I think the military is justifiably pissed about this and that is a good thing because we are going to need them on our side.

    Do any iotw’ers know anything about committees of correspondence, committees of safety and American Redoubt? We need to get involved.

  6. He’s probably a Russian spy and his son is a second-generation Russian spy. Obama is pounding the Redoubt community on the chest here hoping for a response (and by that I mean fire the first shot, because it did not work in Nevada where he also had operatives), and also letting them know they’ve been infiltrated. Apparently the plan is to initiate WWIII along with an American civil war.

  7. “should the political winds shift in an ugly direction,” he would “stand with the Muslims.”

    Barky said “He would stand with the Muslims”. Who does he think he’s kidding?! HE’S BEEN STANDING WITH THEM HIS WHOLE LIFE! And these moronic left/comm lapdogs pant after his every word, every idea! And put him where he is doing the most harm to this nation.
    Oooh! I think I hear a whup whup sound overhead….

  8. Besides Walid Shoebat’s news of the Arabic translation, Allen West was just discussing this on Mark Levin’s show and said that a CIA analyst said that was Bagh Dad was doing was SANCTIFYING THE GROUND FOR ISLAM.

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