Boy, 7, Reportedly ‘Attacked’ By Biden Supporters For Wearing MAGA Hat – IOTW Report

Boy, 7, Reportedly ‘Attacked’ By Biden Supporters For Wearing MAGA Hat

Geller Report:

Donald Trump Jr.@DonaldJTrumpJr·

Last night, Joe Biden supporters viciously attacked Riley, a 7 year-old @realDonaldTrump fan. Joe Biden supporters stole Riley’s hat, ripped up his sign & made him cry. Watch. It’s on video. This is sick. Wilmington, DE please help us find them:

21 Comments on Boy, 7, Reportedly ‘Attacked’ By Biden Supporters For Wearing MAGA Hat

  1. I’d like to watch this video to further solidify my reaction to these barbarians, namely to stomp them into the mud until the mud turns red, but NOT to my surprise, Twitter still wants to pretty much take total control of my device: They got trackers, ads, scripts, cross-domain mystery hosts.


    Just so you know, @MJA & @BFH, et al., when you post an article about or with a Twitter video I will NEVER see it. NEVER.

  2. Every time these things happen, the perps must be identified as Biden Voters. I notice that whenever Tucker shows footage of the riots, he always identifies the rioters as Biden Voters.

  3. Notice who these disgusting pigs attack: disabled people (some in wheelchairs), women, young teens and children. And it’s never 1:1, always a group who gang up on one victim.

    After the election it’s going to get a lot worse.

  4. Things to consider:

    1. It’s a known factor that the TDS afflicted are soulless cunts.

    2. The signs being torn up show it’s some kind of political display by the pro-Trump woman.

    3. Never bring a kid to a pro-Trump rally where there is any chance of interacting with the TDS afflicted because… see point 1.

    4. If you think there is any chance of a conflict, then don’t show up with the intent of whining like a bitch at the unfairness of it all. Come ready to rumble or don’t come at all, especially with seven year old kid.

    J… F… C… This shit should be fucking obvious by now.

  5. Pro Tip

    If some fat obnoxious bitch is walking away with your property it’s entertaining as hell to run up and give them the best kidney shot you can muster. A good percentage of the time this will cause the bladder to empty. Here’s the fun part. It’s almost a guarantee that fat pig is wearing string bikini underwear. Dental floss. It will split the stream of urine soaking both pant legs.

  6. I would’ve pounded that taller bitch’s mug into the ground until it turned into retarded hamburger. Then the next bitch. Period. No one fucks with little kids around me.

  7. seems to me that this woman was working to set the bidencunts up… Using her young son is unforgivable.
    I do not disagree with her intent, only her execution.


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