Boy, when Hillary is wrong, she is really, REALLY wrong – IOTW Report

Boy, when Hillary is wrong, she is really, REALLY wrong

Patriot Retort: Have you heard the amazing news?


Five Most Wanted leaders of ISIS just captured!

I gotta admit, I’m still not tired of all this winning.

Nor am I tired of seeing Hillary Clinton’s campaign rhetoric age about as a year-old ham sandwich.

Seriously. When Hillary Clinton gets something wrong, she really gets it wrong.

And she couldn’t have been more wrong about Trump if she tried.

Let’s hop in the WayBack Machine to early September 2016.

Hillary appeared on an Israeli news channel and complained that candidate Trump “singling out” Muslims as a threat was “giving aid and comfort” to the “evil ambition” of ISIS.  more here

13 Comments on Boy, when Hillary is wrong, she is really, REALLY wrong

  1. @Cynic

    Sounds like a “mid-term” campaign slogan to me.

    Obammer – H. Clinton – u pick the other three (Lynch? etal)

  2. Five Most Wanted leaders of ISIS just captured!

    1. Hillary Clinton
    2. John McCain.
    3. George Soros.
    4. John Brennan.
    5. Barack Obama?


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