Brace For Waterworks As Student Loans Come Due – IOTW Report

Brace For Waterworks As Student Loans Come Due

Howie Carr: Stand by for the next round of sob stories — what’s about to happen next, you will be told, is definitely a hate crime, maybe even genocide.

Here’s the scoop: Millions of deadbeats who have had a two-year vacation from having to pay down their student loans will now have to … start repaying the money they borrowed to get their absurd, worthless college degrees.

Being required to pay off debt you willingly accrued and signed binding legal contracts to repay — how un-American is that?

The feds’ not-so-dunning letters started going out late last week, and the story broke when Chasten Buttigieg, the spouse of the U.S. Transportation Security, posted the notice on social media with his response:

“LOL no thank you Merry Christmas next.”

Remember that Chasten’s, uh, better half makes $221,400 a year, and has a big Democrat (meaning, seven figures, like Andrew Cuomo’s) book contract. Pete just took a few months off with full pay. They own property on Lake Michigan, but have complained about having to spend $4,500 a month to rent an apartment in D.C. that, gulp, doesn’t have a den.

And now this latest indignity! Chasten, along with millions of others, is actually being asked to … pay back money he borrowed. more here

11 Comments on Brace For Waterworks As Student Loans Come Due

  1. Millions of deadbeats who have had a two-year vacation from having to pay down their student loans have gotten used to it!


    Howie’s right, they will use every extreme rhetorical measure they can think of, but I wouldn’t worry about Chasten… he’s a democRAT that gets special privilege, so he won’t be paying anything back soon nor will he have any pressure put on him to do so!

  2. IF they had only borrowed money for their education and not the other crap. I will admit there is NO text book worth $300 though, which a tremendous ripoff.

    I worked at a medical school and one guy had his 5th kid while enrolled. He borrowed student loan money for a van! Good lord…with medical training you would think he knew how to prevent another pregnancy while unemployed!

  3. The other sob story coming up is the “Child Tax Credit”, where parents receive a check from the IRS every month. It’s supposed to end this month, I haven’ heard it extended. Wailing when the IRS check doesn’t come, then the wailing when the reduction in Tax Refund is realized.

  4. I understand the importance of a good education. I also understand that a worthless degree is a millstone around the neck of whoever has one. I know that a strong work ethic can usually trump whatever dubious degree someone might have who doesn’t want to work. None of my three remaining sons have a college degree but through their willingness to work hard and the desire to improve their lives by making prudent decisions, they have all become quite successful, much more so than the majority of today’s college grad. They all have very technical jobs and did it without student debt and poisoned minds that most colleges produce. None of them think that society owes them a thing. They’ve done it on their own and are proud of that. I’m proud of them, too.


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