Brain dead Senator Speaks To Brainwashed Children – IOTW Report

Brain dead Senator Speaks To Brainwashed Children

DC: Democratic California Sen. Dianne Feinstein got into a disagreement with elementary school-aged children who were trying to persuade her to vote in favor of the Green New Deal on Friday.

The interaction was filmed and posted on Twitter by the Sunrise Movement, an organization dedicated to “building an army of young people to make climate change an urgent priority across America, end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics, and elect leaders who stand up for the health and well-being of all people,” according to their website.

“We are trying to ask you to vote yes on the Green New Deal. Please,” one child pleaded to the senator. “Some scientists have said that we have 12 years to turn this around.”   more here

22 Comments on Brain dead Senator Speaks To Brainwashed Children

  1. Press all democrats to back up their talk and walk their walk. They’re free to practice socialism so why haven’t they been? They have always been free to live their green ideals so why haven’t they been? They are free to give their assistance to poor people and the homeless so why haven’t they been doing that? Saul Alinsky works for us now so let’s use him.

  2.’s been a pile of calendar pages since Supernightshade was in elementary school, but as I recall it, there would be zero chance that I or my classmates would have paid the slightest attention to this unpleasant old hag, or ANY dinosaur the school would have dragged in for indoctrination, or remembered anything about it later; so nice try there Diane, but fidgety children aren’t really interested in leaden platitudes covered in dark grey Socialist tones…

  3. “Some scientists have said that we have 12 years to turn this around.”

    Name ten. Hell, name one … real one.
    You only get that level of bullshit out of Al Gore, Sandy Ocasio-Cortez, or Dick Durbin.
    12 years? For sure? Tell you what – if the prediction doesn’t come true, whoever predicts it must be put to death – for fomenting fear and distress.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Adding to Tim’s comment…when ancient prophets in Israel had their prophecies proven false they were killed.

    How about in 12 years when we are still here on planet Earth that we very publicly execute every damn Democrat who signed on to the New Green Deal?

  5. Too bad the kids don’t understand they’re talking to a master Washington official who specializes in maundering. Finding anything out meaningful will take the rest of their lifetimes added together.

  6. Feinstein expected that the plants would be better propagandized.
    That the kids were coached is beyond question.
    That the kids’ coach was even more radically stupid than Feinstein is surprising, but not shockingly so.

    Feinstein should fire her advance party for fucking this up (which they obviously did on purpose).

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. When Diane votes yes on 12 year congressional term limits, unless for greedy multi-millionaire pocket lining trash like herself with her husband to shade herself with, sure! Until than, nah, just F’ing with you like you’ve done to us. Pay backs are a bitch, you greedy bitch!


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