Branding Toddlers Bigots – IOTW Report

Branding Toddlers Bigots

Britain is so far gone off the deep end with political correctness, the only people in the world who are as pure as the driven snow are muslims, gays and blacks.

If a three year old identifies a Chinese boy as a “Chinese boy” he’s labeled a bigot.

If someone calls a gay kid, gay, he’s a bigot.

What these white a-hole progressives don’t realize is that they are in effect saying that if you acknowledge that someone is Chinese you’re being rude. How offensive IS THAT?

“Dear boy, they can’t help it that they were born Chinese. Stop noticing!!”


Schools file the incidents for local education authorities. The details are also passed to Ofsted inspectors who are required to assess how teachers deal with bullying.

Records of a child’s ‘prejudice-related’ behaviour can be passed to their next school, potentially casting a shadow over their secondary education.

Alleged offences by more than 4,000 pupils were logged in just 13 council areas – meaning the national total may stretch into the tens of thousands.

Civil liberties campaigners warned the practice could have serious consequences for any children labelled as bigots.

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12 Comments on Branding Toddlers Bigots

  1. Not realizing that the PC attitude is the actual racist one. They are in effect saying there’s something offensive about being Chinese, black or homo. A bunch of retreads.

  2. Because controlling the language allows you to criminalize people who tell the truth.

    Like Humpty Dumpty from Lewis Carroll. Words mean no more than you need them to be for this one moment.

    Dismissing someone’s opinion as an angry, white, christian bigot is still cool though.

  3. ” Civil liberties campaigners warned the practice could have serious consequences for any children labelled as bigots”

    Really? Reeducation camps? Death by firing squad?

    I can imagine some kid finishing his public schools over there and wanting to attend a University. Only to be denied of course because when he was 3 he asked his mother in public why do some people have darker skin than others? Some regressive looking to get offended happens to be at the right spot at the right time to call the PC police and get this kid tagged for life as a bigot in his public records.

    Like the 15 year old boy who fooled around with his 15 year old girl friend (consentually) and was tagged for life as a sex offender while Roman Polanski is till idolized by Hollywood leftists as God.

  4. Slowly but surely a lot of Brits are realizing just how screwed they’ve become. the UKIP party (actual conservatives) are making solid gains each year and have a charismatic leader in Nigel Farage. If only the Scots had voted for independence England would have been well on their way to getting a real conservative government in place and the cleaning up of the huge mess left by the left could have been started.

  5. So no punishment for the Muslims gang raping orphans, but I just committed a crime by pointing out that Muslims gang rape orphans. You can’t make this stuff up…

  6. How many degrees of racism are we talking here? Is this going to be like hate crime law where you get more time depending on X percentage of ethnicity? What a giant joke.

    Let’s stop all the ethnic ‘history months’ in this country. The left is always trying to highlight a group, and then when they’re noticed, good or bad, they freak out.

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