Brave Kamala Runs Away – IOTW Report

Brave Kamala Runs Away

Patriot Retort:

What in the Sam Hill is going on with the Democrat ticket? While the nominee hides in the basement, his supposed running mate doesn’t seem to be running so much as running away. Yup, the tough as nails, “whip smart,” brave Kamala Harris is about as courageous as the Brave Sir Robin from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

I mean, even biased reporters are starting to notice that Brave Kamala flees from them without taking any questions.

In fact, the only thing Brave Kamala seems to have time for are fundraising events.

Sure, she’s raising money, but for what exactly?

Neither she nor her supposed running mate seem to be campaigning for the election that is less than forty days away.

This is the oddest damn thing I have ever seen in my life. more

22 Comments on Brave Kamala Runs Away

  1. Hahaha! When she does answer questions, hilarity ensues. Kumdumpster Harris was asked who was the greatest LIVING rapper today and she responded, “Tupac Shakur”. Tupac has been dead since the mid 1990s.

  2. Dems have to know that this year is an abject failure. I think that at this point they are just playing it out – or perhaps working to steal elections via voter fraud. They will clean up and figure out next steps afterward. There simply isn’t any sanity there.

  3. stop2think
    SEPTEMBER 27, 2020 AT 11:39 AM
    “Why should they campaign? The election fix is in. ”

    …you probably have something there. You know how, when Hillary kills someone, its ALWAYS very clumsy and obvious to everyone, but some Democrat jumps up and rules it a suicide, so that’s that? It’s a demonstration of raw political power, a clear warning to anyone who might turn on her that they will meet an ignoble, painful death, and a message to we peasants that Hillary can kill as she pleases, right in front of us, but she owns so much of the government that she will ALWAYS get away with it, to both terrify and cow anyone who’d oppose her.

    Maybe it’s like that.

    They want the steal to be as blatant as possible, possibly to scare us by how they control everything so we don’t go to war…or maybe to CAUSE us to go to war, so they can activate their Muslim allies and bring in their Chinese friends to destroy us once and for all.

    I agree, we are MEANT to see this as a terrible campaign that would never succeed in a fair election.

    I just don’t know what their end game is…

  4. dRats aren’t stupid, yet this Biden campaign never got off the ground. It’s far too late for them to recover.

    Which has me continually wondering: what Gad-awful nefarious plan are they up to?

  5. She’s not only running away from the killer rabbit in Monty Python And The Holy Grail but Jimmy Carters killer rabbit as well. Donald Trump being the killer rabbit or killer wabbit like Elmer Fudd would say. Throw a holy hand grenade or the unholy hand grenade of BLM and Antifa at it to kill it. It didn’t work for Sir Robin the brave either after the killer rabbit went for their throats and they chickened out and all ran away. Run away, Kamala run away, it’s out to get you and joey and bite both of you in the ass, the landslide election victory of President Trump that is.

  6. I think we are all missing the point.

    Harris is the Biden/Demonrats “RUNNING MATE.”

    She is simply evidencing her skill at filling the position for which she was chosen.

    C’mon, man!

    Just sayin’.

  7. They are betting the Funny Farm that Trump Derangement Syndrome will get the Harris-Obiden team across the finish line in 36 or 43 or 56 days. Who knows, with the Dementiacrat Ministry of Propaganda’s help and thousands of slick shysters making every Obinden harvested ballot count, they might pull off the steal of the century. That’s the only thing that can account for this game of hide the candidates.

  8. What can the democrats say when painful questions are asked?

    Like “Joe, what about the antifa/BLM riots?”

    How do they answer that and keep their base from cracking open? The only alternative is to take off running so they don’t have to answer the question.

    Also, I think Harris is in way over her head and Joe is not all there. It’s far better not to take any questions.


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