BRAVO! President Trump walks out of meeting after Speaker Pelosi rejects border wall – IOTW Report

BRAVO! President Trump walks out of meeting after Speaker Pelosi rejects border wall

Geller Report: For those tools and fools who voted in this anti-American House [of hate], in the words of the much-loved NYC Mayor Koch, “the People have spoken … and they must be punished.” And they are.

Make sure to call out every fatcat, politician, celebrity or anti-security-waller who has a fence around their house ….

Trump walks out of border security meeting after Pelosi rejects wall pitch

By: Alex Pappas, FOX, January 9, 2018:

Trump leaves Capitol Hill after policy lunch, says there is solidarity within the Republican Party for border security

President Trump says a border wall is needed to stop human and drug trafficking.

President Trump walked out of a White House meeting with congressional leaders Wednesday afternoon over the partial government shutdown after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi again rejected supporting new funding for a border wall, according to those in the meeting.

Speaking to reporters after the brief session, New York Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer, the Senate minority leader, said the “president just got up and walked out.”

The president, in a tweet, called the meeting “a total waste of time” and appeared to confirm that he left after Pelosi’s answer.

“I asked what is going to happen in 30 days if I quickly open things up, are you going to approve Border Security which includes a Wall or Steel Barrier? Nancy said, NO. I said bye-bye, nothing else works!” Trump tweeted.


32 Comments on BRAVO! President Trump walks out of meeting after Speaker Pelosi rejects border wall

  1. Suck it Nancy. President Charlie Brown Trump isn’t going to try to kick the football while you hold it all Lucy like. And he brought candy.
    How many times have the Dem/Progs promised something if the Repubs would only compromise (give in to their demands) only to not live up to what they agreed to?
    And again and again the dumb-a$$ed Rebups fall for it.

    TSA isn’t getting paid? So what! “I caught a terrorist.”…said no TSA agent EVER!

  2. Democrats have no skin in the game.

    Has our government changed recently and it is not the responsibility of a spending bill to pass the House, then go to the Senate and then the President?

    They just don’t pass anything and say the President has shut it down.

    Abolish the Department of Homeland Security tomorrow. Let the airlines screen their customers.

  3. The “Me Too” crowd had nothing to respond to President DJT’s claim that 1/3 illegal immigrant girls (children) are sexually assaulted. The CBS fact check crowd says “It’s really 66% – 74%. TY

  4. It took The Donald about 15 seconds to get to the heart of something that any other politician would have taken weeks, if not months, to come to the same conclusion… maybe! President Trump doesn’t screw around playing their games, doesn’t waste his time and doesn’t spend OUR money on pointless charades.
    Ya gottal love it! Good on ya Mr. President!!

  5. President Trump does not waste his time with fools!
    Pillowsee and Shoeshiner are in the low IQ group…
    Can you imagine either of these fools applying for a real world job,
    IQ decreases in direct proportion to the number of years in Congress,
    Both these imbeciles are approaching single digit IQ scores,
    The same is true for any politician regardless of potty.

  6. Nana Lugosi and Smucky Choomer are learning the hard way that the Donald learns from history and remembers the crap these traitors pulled on Reagan with the Amnesty Bill part 1.

  7. The real national emergency cause is the democrats electing political supremacists who just must have their political ways. And not caring about the lives of Actual Real Americans being endangered by undocumented gangs, killers and being paid on time.

  8. Name the last president that made you laugh out loud with delight.

    Reagan could get a chuckle out of me, but Trump makes me laugh out loud while high fiving whoever’s handy.

  9. This COULD be Our defining Trenton/Saratoga moment for DJT POTUS.

    I really hope he holds steady through this combined dem and media shitstorm.

    Batten down hatches…


  10. President Trump knows when you hold all the cards, you act like a winner. Something Repulicrats will never learn. Now Chuckles and Nasty Nance are between a rock and a hard place – The Wall.


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