Brawl breaks out on American Airlines flight after passenger refuses to wear a mask – IOTW Report

Brawl breaks out on American Airlines flight after passenger refuses to wear a mask

Lifezette: A video is going viral this week, showing a massive fight breaking out on an American Airlines flight after a passenger refused to wear a mask.

The fight reportedly broke out on a flight from Las Vegas to Charlotte, North Carolina after a woman said she would not wear a mask and refused to get off the plane. The video was shared to Twitter by Caryn Ross, who captioned it, “Nothing like a morning Fight Club as tempers flared on American Airlines LAS-CLT flight today…. So much for social distancing.”

The video opens with a group of women standing in the aisle of the plane, which is waiting for takeoff. One woman could be heard shouting at another, who then punches the first female. Only one of the women involved in the altercation is wearing a mask. Watch

33 Comments on Brawl breaks out on American Airlines flight after passenger refuses to wear a mask

  1. Why did I not have to watch the video to know what I was going to be seeing?

    In any event, this mask/quarantine/lockdown/social isolation (social “distancing”) stuff has Americans on edge with many of them reaching the breaking point and needing very little to set them off.

    Some demographic groups are more likely to go off violently and without warning than others, and that’s not a racist statement, it’s an observable phenomenon.

    Sad thing is that the PTB knows this and intends it to happen, it suits their purposes, and it is going to get much worse before it starts getting better.

    Be aware of it and take preventive actions to avoid getting caught up in it.

  2. In the past 10 days I flew on Southwest Airlines from Reno to Des Moines and back. Masks were mandatory and even though there was some grumbling prior to boarding, everyone complied. No one was allowed to sit in the middle seats (unless family wanted to sit together), and each leg of the trip there was 50 people or less. Maybe people are afraid to fly right now, but flight crews were awesome and I actually enjoyed flying for a change!

  3. CCNV, I wear the mask on the plane, except when I’m eating or drinking. And I always make sure to be eating or drinking as often as possible. Small bites, chewed thoroughly followed by a little sip of water. Mmm, mmm mmm.

    And MMinAR, that’s where my mask is, too, when I’m not dining.

  4. The town I was in in Iowa was ‘masks optional’ in most stores; thus, I didn’t wear one until I got back to the airport. I was in a Walmart and some ‘Karen’ looked at me and said I should wear a mask. I asked her if her mask wasn’t any good and I walked off.

  5. I went to a “mask required” store yesterday, expecting to be confronted, I was ready to say “I’m allergic”. If I was asked allergic to what, the response would be “Bullshit”.

  6. I find it interesting that in a WHO post yesterday they said this:
    “To protect yourself, clean your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Keep at least a 1-metre distance from others and wear a mask if you cannot.”

    Point being – although it doesn’t apply to the airplane situation – WHO has a far more relaxed standard than the leftist governments whose thumb I am under, which require mask wearing even while exercising outdoors by myself!

  7. I don’t know how that fight got started, but I’m going to bet it began this way:

    ” Why yo bitch ass ain’t wearin’ a mask? ”

    It’s smart to lure people into seeing your side of the issue by being an asshole.

  8. I wear a face covering to protect me from the Covid-Cranks (and it works):

  9. Anyone remember that vid of some clown trying to rob some chicken restaurant and two fat black women employees attacked him, one through a pan of 400 degree fryer grease on him.
    I was rolling on the floor!

  10. MJA
    AUGUST 21, 2020 AT 10:58 AM
    “The WaffleHouse. Their fights are legendary.
    In the top 3, definitely”

    …my son worked in a Waffle House for a time, in third shift, even though I told him from L-O-N-G experience that nothing GOOD happens after 2 am.

    …well, when the large Black flamboyant homosexuals started whanging napkin holders at random people one night after a BLM rally (the ones here are mostly LGTBQ for some reason, don’t know why) because no one in the building could follow their oddly specific cooking instructions (sear the onions on one side ONLY being the only one I recall) rgen leaving to go plauge a DIFFERENT Waffle House where the cops found them and, considering the fact they assaulted about 9 people, staff and customers, and were only ticketed for disorderly conduct, my son decided to leave that PARTICULAR home of Black Privilege and go do something ELSE.

    …although to be honest, back when I ran squad we’d sometimes take lunch breaks at O-dark early after runs at a 24 hour Perkins on the edge of our district, and because I was an onlooker and not an employee of the place I kind of enjoyed things like the flood of spectacularly unconvincing Elvis impersonators that came in off a bus one night, or the old dolls in their poodle skirts that were up WAY past their bedtimes because of some ’50s revival going on at the square dance club across the street, or the midget in cowboy boots who would show up on the regular and challenge everyone in the restaurant to a fight, but those were different days when folks still acted somewhat civilized (even the truculent midget would only ask onceel then go away), and just in the last few MONTHS the Democrats have pushed the slider so far over from “amusing” to “dangerous” while simultaneously disarming people, nullifying the police, and stopping all prosecutions of evil that it just ain’t FUNNY any more, and I don’t know if I’d take an overnight job that didn’t allow 2A privileges (which Waffle House does NOT) in these Democrat-degradated times we live in…

  11. What do you think the combined weigh in BEFORE the fight was? I’m guessing over 450 pounds?

    And the last third of the video you cannot see them, as one is obviously CRUSHING the other to death…

  12. My wife has sewn a large sack full of masks for hospitals or people who just want a few masks sewn from a preferred fabric pattern.

    She also has one of those fancy computer driven embroidery machines. That can sew words, flowers or other scenes onto the fabric.

    For places I need to / want to go that require a mask. For a bit of fun I’ve been thinking of asking her to make a mask for me in state colors fabric and thread.

    With the words, “Governor [governor’s name] Folly” sewn on the mask fabric.

    However, it might cause more of a ruckus than just refusing to wear a mask. Or cause more inconvenience than just shopping elsewhere.


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