Brazilian President Bolsonaro: ‘Everybody has to buy a rifle, damn it!’ – IOTW Report

Brazilian President Bolsonaro: ‘Everybody has to buy a rifle, damn it!’


Armed people will never be enslaved, Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, who is trailing in polls for the 2022 election, told a crowd of his supporters in the capital Brasilia, urging everyone to get a rifle as soon as possible.

Bolsonaro’s ratings have crumbled amid the Covid-19 pandemic, which has seen Brazil become one of the world’s worst-affected countries with almost 21 million infections and more than 578,000 deaths. A recent poll by XP/Ipespe revealed that only 24% of those surveyed plan to vote for the 66-year-old when he runs for reelection next year, while his leftist opponent, former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, received the support of some 40%.

The rightist president has already threatened to not accept the outcome of the 2022 election, claiming it could be rigged against him due to the alleged vulnerabilities of the country’s purely electronic voting system. He’s now facing an investigation over those statements, which were never backed by any convincing proof.

One group of Brazilians who have been increasingly happy with Bolsonaro since he took office in 2019 are gun enthusiasts, whom he once again addressed on Friday. more

6 Comments on Brazilian President Bolsonaro: ‘Everybody has to buy a rifle, damn it!’

  1. “…alleged vulnerabilities of the country’s purely electronic voting system. He’s now facing an investigation over those statements, which were never backed by any convincing proof.”

    “alleged” and “without evidence”…When you see a journo deploy those words in reference to a pol on the right, you can be certain that the allegations are true and the evidence is being ignored. And in this particular case,Dominion is probably also throwing its weight around. It’s all so tediously familiar.

  2. Lowell

    It sure as hell is. What people don’t understand is you actually have to have the balls to use the weapon. We don’t. That second guy is still not willing to stand up.

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