Brazil’s Preezy Dilma Rousseff impeached; It’s not me, it’s YOU – IOTW Report

Brazil’s Preezy Dilma Rousseff impeached; It’s not me, it’s YOU

MSN:   UPDATE:Vice President Michel Temer has signed the official notification that he’s interim president of Brazil following the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff.

dilma rousseff Brazil impeached

Temer’s official Twitter account shows him signing the document brought to him by a delegation from the Senate, which voted early Thursday to suspend Rousseff.

Temer will serve during a Senate trial to determine if Rousseff should be permanently removed. That trial can take up to six months.


BRASILIA, Brazil (AP) — Speaking hours after the Senate voted to impeach her on Thursday, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff blasted the process as “fraudulent” and promised to fight what she characterized as an injustice more painful than the torture she endured under a past military dictatorship.

Rousseff, Brazil’s first female president, promised to use all possible legal means to defend herself in the face of a trial in which senators will decide whether to permanently remove her from office for using alleged illegal accounting tricks in managing the federal budget.  more

4 Comments on Brazil’s Preezy Dilma Rousseff impeached; It’s not me, it’s YOU

  1. Note that she promised to use all legal means to fight her ouster, but she did not promise not to use illegal means. And she’s a die-hard Marxist.

    It isn’t looking good for the Rio Olympics this summer: economy in shambles, mosquito-borne disease causing hideous birth defects and more, polluted competition waters, and now a govt meltdown. I’m not sure I’ll even be watching on the teevee.

  2. Apparently fraud and payoffs at PetroBras played a role in her impeachment. It should be interesting whether George Soros and Barack Obama’s names come up during the Senate trial. Remember that Obama condemned deep sea oil drilling after the BP spill, then Soros bought piles of PetroBras stock becoming the single biggest outside investor in the company and two months after that Obama announces huge loan guarantees to PetroBras to develop their deep sea oil drilling.

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