Breakdown In Immigration Screening: The Devil Is In The Details – IOTW Report

Breakdown In Immigration Screening: The Devil Is In The Details


As the activist and their judges in the 9th Circuit Court wrestle with President Donald J. Trump over immigration and executive orders, one of the most dangerous mistakes consistently being repeated by politicians and academics is still being overlooked.  Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) with real, recent operational experience are not consulted and detailed solutions are rarely considered.

Perhaps this is best exposed when considering the immigration screening issue.  Call them immigrants, refugees or asylum seekers. it really doesn’t matter because there is a breakdown of epic proportions when it comes to fingerprinting immigration applicants and collecting data of any type in their country of origin and uploading and running that data through the Department of Defense (DOD) secured data basis that contains information on an unknown number of dangerous people that have been caught and released in a war zone, or people that may be associated with them.

Currently in the United States there are hundreds of ongoing investigations of individuals that have come to the US (some as long as 10 years ago) that were originally caught by the DOD in the Middle East making bombs, planting IED’s etc. The DOD fingerprinted these individuals but that information was never put in databases that are shared with State Department or Border patrol.

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7 Comments on Breakdown In Immigration Screening: The Devil Is In The Details

  1. The whole idea behind this, is total power. These fools do not realize the total shit storm that will descend, the minute useful idiots are no longer needed. Lenin and Mao proved that.

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