Breaking: 2020 Election Lawsuit | Dominion Voting Systems Sued for Affidavit Defamation by Tore Says – IOTW Report

Breaking: 2020 Election Lawsuit | Dominion Voting Systems Sued for Affidavit Defamation by Tore Says

Breaking news of a complaint filed on August 16, 2021 as a remedy to defamation on an election affidavit by Tore Says. Watch a quick run through the lawsuit and referenced 2020 election affidavit.

5 Comments on Breaking: 2020 Election Lawsuit | Dominion Voting Systems Sued for Affidavit Defamation by Tore Says

  1. Speaking of elections, I read over the weekend that the preliminary results from Arizona would be released this week. What are they waiting for? With as incompetent as the biden administration is showing themselves to be, and with everyone disgusted with their performance in Afghanistan and on the border now would be a great time to throw fuel on the fire!

  2. joe6pak

    Probably waiting for people to get bored of the Afghanistan thing before releasing it, if it get covered and also people pay a bit more attention in September as August is the end of the vacation cycles just before people get back to work.

    (whatever work is now that Biden created a Universal basic Income)

  3. Still plenty of time for Dominion to help get Turdeau a Majority during Our Covid election on September 20/2021.

    They are already pushing for Alternative ways to Vote, so here we go again, except its in a “who gives a fuck country”.


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