BREAKING: Donald Trump is a Minnesota Democrat – IOTW Report

BREAKING: Donald Trump is a Minnesota Democrat

Patriot Retort: In an effort to duplicate the infamous “AOC Clap-Back,” Minnesota Congresswoman and Anti-Semite Ilhan Omar sent out this tweet to President Trump:

So, see if you can follow the bouncing ball.

President Trump retweets a tweet from Chuck Callesto with the news that Minnesota Democrats are considering a primary challenge to Ilhan Omar in 2020.

And somehow, this attempt by Minnesota Democrats to replace Omar is all President Trump’s fault because of the so-called “Muslim Ban.”  MORE HERE

21 Comments on BREAKING: Donald Trump is a Minnesota Democrat

  1. Sounds like Minnesota is trying to build their own “little wall” around Sharialand. Hey, if that’s what it takes to wake some Dems up….

  2. I smashed my finger a few weeks ago…….. and it is all President Donald J Trump’s fault
    Oh and THIS WEB SUCK
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. Hmmmmmm… methinks it’s slowly sinking in to their thick RAT skulls that their Socialist-Communist, anti-American antics are turning off so many regular voters that maybe, just maybe there aren’t enough federal tit-sucking minorities to get them elected!


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