BREAKING: Hillary Clinton demands to know why DNC didn’t cheat this hard for her – IOTW Report

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton demands to know why DNC didn’t cheat this hard for her

Genesius Times:

SAQUAHENNATCH, NY—Former Democratic nominee for president Hillary Clinton is demanding to know why her party didn’t cheat this hard for her in 2016.

“They clearly pulled all the stops for that sack of potatoes Biden. If they put a tenth as much effort in fraud for my election, we wouldn’t be here. We wouldn’t have had to endure 4 years of Trump. I want some answers!” Clinton said in an exclusive Zoom interview with Genesius Times. more

13 Comments on BREAKING: Hillary Clinton demands to know why DNC didn’t cheat this hard for her

  1. She was the one thrown into a truck like bagged farm produce.

    I view Biden more as a Turnip or a long skinny squash.

    Definitely not a whole sack of potatoes.

  2. If joey’s like a turnip a whole lot of ignorant people must’ve fallen off of the turnip truck to have voted for him. I think he’s more like disgusting vegetables like brussell sprouts and especially like pureed brussell sprouts which look and smell like brownish, green baby poop for retarded people.

  3. Hillary was not declared the winner in 2016 because they believed their polls and didn’t think they had to cheat that much so the mechanism to do what was needed to win was not in place.

    You can see the progression starting in 2000. They were prepared to cheat in those three Democrat counties in Florida but were thrown for a loop when they were told they had to recount the whole state.

    They upped their game in Washington State in 2004 when they learned how to withhold certification from the most populous county in the state — which was also under Democrat control — so they knew how many votes they needed to manufacture. They have been getting better and better at this ever since. They were very successful with the House election in 2018.

    The problem is that while they were not quite ready to do what was needed in 2016, this year they had to cheat so much that it put an undeniable stench over the election. I read that Joe Biden (supposedly) got more votes this year than any Presidential candidate in history and he did it by winning 16.3% of the counties. There are so many things that don’t add up. They assumed that everyone would just roll over. Unfortunately for them, Trump will not do that and the people have had enough so they won’t do it either.

  4. Because at the time your masters were as arrogant and stupid as you are and under estimated Donald Trump. This time around they picked a candidate just as stupid and arrogant and took no chances. 10 million more votes for Biden than Trump. Come on man!! Even a third of the Donks don’t believe that. They’re the useful idiots. The other two thirds know fraud was involved but either were actively involved or at least fully support it because Orange Man Bad.

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