Updates – Las Vegas Mass Shooting – IOTW Report

Updates – Las Vegas Mass Shooting

Well, hello Marilou. If anyone’s seen her, give 911 or the LVMPD a call.


Updates from FOX News

Purported Shooter —

Stephen Paddock – 5 facts you need to know

Updates here  [BBC]



Police searching for vehicles

Las Vegas Police are searching for two vehicles they say are associated with the shooter.

Both have Nevada state licence plates. Earlier, police said the gunman was local to Las Vegas.



20 dead and 100 injured

More than 20 people are dead and more than 100 people are injured following the shooting, say police. They added that two police officers are injured, with one in a critical condition.

Sheriff Joe Lombardo of the Las Vegas Police department said the shooter was located on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel on the city’s strip.

He said officers shot and killed the suspect, who is a local resident.

Sheriff Lombardo added that police believe the shooting was “a lone wolf” style attack.





Mandalay Bay


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92 Comments on Updates – Las Vegas Mass Shooting

  1. Six minutes ago at the LVRJ website: “Las Vegas police have confirmed that they are investigating an active shooter situation at Mandalay Bay, the Metropolitan Police Department said on Twitter.”

  2. From the LVRJ: “Police are investigating reports of active shooters at other Strip properties including New York-New York.
    The attack came during the last performances on the final night of the three-day country music festival, which has been held for the past four years on an 15-acre lot across Las Vegas Boulevard from Mandalay Bay.
    It appeared the shooters were firing down at people from upper-level rooms of Mandalay Bay.
    Ivetta Saldana said Jason Aldean stopped in the middle of his performance and was rushed off the stage. She was there with a friend and said the shots sounded like fireworks.
    She said she hid in a sewer.
    “It was was a horror show,” she said standing in Town Square shopping center south of the Strip. “People were standing around, then they hit the floor.”
    FBI SWAT as well as SWAT units from Henderson, North Las Vegas and Las Vegas were called to the scene, according to police scanner report.
    Police scanner traffic reported multiple casualties from the incident and possibly two shooters with automatic weapons.
    Multiple ambulances and police vehicles are on the scene, and victims have been sent to University Medical Center and Sunrise Hospital Medical Center. Multiple roads surrounding the area have been shut down.
    A reporter on the scene said people could be seen running from a casino entrance into the ground floor of the parking garage at the hotel.”

  3. Brad,

    My friend Tom (Wyoming buddy), was at this concert with his wife tonight. As soon as I heard this on the news I called him. He answered with:

    “we’re alright, but no shit there are dead bodies everywhere. People that got shot and had their heads blown off were standing 5 feet from me and the wife. The wife (a nurse) is currently helping the emergency responder team to aid with the wounded. “I thought I heard what sounded like firecrackers going off, and when people started dropping dead right next to me we knew exactly what was going on”. He continued,

    “we could see muzzle flashes coming the Mandalay Bay hotel floors from automatic fire which sounded like AK-47’s. No shit, there are dead people all over the place. I personally helped the emergency responder team carry out 3 of the dead that had their heads blown off right next to me. Dude, we we lucky. People were dying all around us. Bullets were hitting the ground right next to my feet”.

    Automatic fire! Understand that, people? The criminals have them and we can’t.

    I commented to my friend that it sounds like musloid tactics due to all that crap today that happened across the world.

  4. Evil leftist media once again pretending to be clueless about an obvious deadly Islamic terrorist attack. They are matter of fact and gitty reporting this, since it happened on President Trump’s watch.

  5. An M-14 sounds like an AK.

    This reeks more of a cartel payback or statement, or a no shit muzzie hit squad.

    I’d be looking hard at recent hires at Mandalay Bay.

    Sure the phuck not the Amish this time.

  6. there was a sniper on 32 floor of Mandalay Bay, he is dead, LVPD hit room and killed him. Multiple other locations followed with shootings at numerous other hotels. Hospitals are on diversion, too many victims, civilians transporting bodies in pick up truck beds… Luxor hotel has confirmed suspicious device in vehicle in valet parking driveway… there will be 30 or more dead by daylight

  7. if the video of this does not make America wake up, nothing will. Vegas will be devastated by this, get ready for metal detectors and TSA searches now just to check into a hotel.

  8. Just heard a cop on the scanner traffic say there was a pickup truck on the 215 with “a couple of 419s” in the back. If I remember the 419 codes correctly, a 419 is a dead body.

  9. This was a targeted attack on a country music festival. Leftwinger’s don’t frequent that kind of thing so I’ll SPECULATE that this was an attack on a conservative event.

    My buddy who’s at this point still locked down in a ballroom, thinks there’s more danger to come. I mean, they could take down that hotel with all those people in it with a bomb if they wanted. Hell, someone managed to get all that ammo and that machine gun in without anyone noticing.

    If this is BLM or Antifa borne….it’s fucking war on anyone with a bandana covering their fucking face as far as I’m concerned. If it’s muslim borne, nuke fucking Iran and North Korea just for good measure.

    I’m tired of taking the ‘high road’.

  10. “If this is BLM or Antifa borne”

    Well, the thought did cross my mind. BLM shooting at a bunch of honkies, right? And antifa would be doing the same, but they seem more the types to swarm the crowd and stab people and carry their stupid signs.
    We know BLM would most likely send a sniper, because of what they did to the Dallas PD.

  11. ISIS Video called for attacks on Vegas was reported in Las Vegas Now news site back in May. They knew this was coming, LE and Intel was prepping for some sort of attack.

  12. Las Vegas police confirming “at least 20 dead”. Also confirming that one suspect is dead on a high-level floor at Mandalay Bay. Just heard on scanner traffic that they have one suspect in custody who was involved.

  13. Isis always called for an attack on Las Vegas. They do it every year.
    It’s a place full of infidels and some bullshit. Where isn’t? Funny thing is a lot of muslims hang out at the strip clubs when they’re there for conventions.

  14. All I can say is that I just got off the phone with my buddy who lived it in real time.

    He and his wife are covered in blood. His wife is handling it well since she is a nurse. Right now her training is kicking in. I’ll pray for her since I know one she has a second she’s going to have flashbacks on this night.

    My buddy can confirm by his own eyes that there are at least 10-20 dead in the area he was in. People were getting hit 3 feet from him. One of the kids sitting next to he and his wife took a round through the right side of his chest and it exited lower left side.

    Many people he helped load into civilian truckbeds had glossy eyes and foaming at the mouth. I still think it was an RPK or something with a 200 round box magazine. The video displays long streams of automatic fire.

    This is what I think it sounded like by the rate of fire I heard: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_gEOz4eBzdlg/S9u4ZfqWU-I/AAAAAAAAAYQ/fKYhzhQz7co/s1600/SRC+RPK+3.jpg

    I could be mistaken.

    Maybe Brad can confirm my suspicions.

  15. MJA, I always wondered why Vegas hasn’t been a major target before this. It seems to represent everything Muslims hate. And I absolutely agree about them hanging around the very places they hate.

  16. OK don’t hold me to it, I’m just throwing it out there… I’m going to say BLM-related before it being isis. It’s just that there are so many “white” people expected to be at a country festival. So it makes me wonder.
    It seems that a muslim would most likely mow people down in the road instead of doing this. I don’t know.

  17. Damn. Terrestrial radio is reporting at least 20 dead, including at least two police.

    I was in Vegas for NYE on Y2K (work related, not planned). No fireworks allowed because of fears of just this and/or bombs.

    Awaiting confirmation as to whom. Supposed to be a local. Aloha related would not be a surprise.

  18. oh gaaawd. Here comes the anti-gun bullshit. From the BBC link:

    ” 5:16
    What are the state’s gun laws?

    The state of Nevada has some of the most permissive gun laws in the US. It is legal to carry an assault rifle and there is no magazine capacity limit.
    There are no purchase permits and blue cards are no longer required.

    There is no waiting period mandated for firearm purchases and private gun sales are OK.”

  19. LV sheriff on TV now, says lone shooter, identified as a local resident, was firing from Mandalay Bay Hotel. He is now dead and no longer a threat, but will not be identified at this time due to ongoing investigation. Asian woman traveling companion named Marilou Danley still being sought as a person of interest.

    Casualties: 20+ dead, 100+ injured.

  20. Damn. Just got here. My sweet old dog just died 35 minutes ago. Talk about something to take my mind off waiting for help with her. It was her time. Not so with the victims in Vegas. All prayers your way, MJA.

    Looks like a BLM thing if Marilou is involved.

  21. While we’ll find out what the deal really is, I can’t see taking it any other way than being an anti-white thing.

    The shooter wasn’t randomly shooting traffic. It was calculated to hit as many white, likely conservatives, as possible at a country concert.

    Although I know plenty of liberals that like country music.

  22. That is possible. Or it could be a case of someone he’s mad at being at the music festival and he just started shooting hoping to kill that person.
    Or it could be something as emotionally retarded as a love triangle.

  23. Yes on both. She was 14 and became weak over the weekend. Couldn’t get up from the hardwood floor. Was going to take her to the vet this morning.

    Her companion would not let me near her yesterday afternoon. Had to trick him into the backyard so I could tend to her. He snapped at me for the first time ever. Being 90 pounds, that’s something that I can’t let stand. I doubt that’s going to be a prob, though. I think he knew how bad off she was and was trying to protect her.

    I’ll be burying her out back. She was always a sweet dog. Found her in a cemetery back in 2004. Starving and fearful of men. I gave her as comfortable a life as I could. She gave me love back.

  24. I don’t know how secure casino / hotel windows are, but I have never been to one where you are able to open them. Especially that high up. Could anyone have heard him break it?

    Who owns the second car? Did he and the asian chick drive in separately?

  25. I was asleep and had no idea this happened until I saw this post.

    On the plus side, that means iotwReport is the first site I go to in the morning. So there’s that.

    My God. This is a terrible, terrible thing.

  26. How does someone with no criminal record get radicalized in their 60s?

    The first speculations are usually wrong but an elderly black guy opening fire from a snipers nest ostensibly to attack a primarily white crowd doesn’t seems premeditated. If so, he chose a room at Mandalay Bay specifically to face that event.

    We just had that racist church shooting the week before and the media has buried that story completely.

  27. MJA, two possibilities: break or cut open.
    More likely, cut.

    Such windows are “multi-layered” (for reasons of sound, solar-screening, impact-resistance,etc) and sometimes have a layer of film (the solar aspect).

    So, breaking would be an *extremely* tedious and obvious act.
    But, with wackos, you never know.

  28. And in an hour, half of what I saw overnight is wrong.

    I’ve seen some people posting Facebook groups he likes (all leftwing) but don’t know if that’s Paddock or the husband of Danilou.

    Likewise with that Islam convert story from INN.

    Speaking only for myself, I worry about my father sometimes. He’s retired and sits around watching CNN, CBS, and MSNBC all day long throwing his heart into Afib over whatever outrage du hour is being served up for the Two Minutes Hate extended 23 hours and 58 minutes a day.

    It’s the Trump is evil. His supporters are evil racists. They’re trying to kill us by taking our healthcare nonsense.

  29. …IF (and I do mean if because we don’t have a lot to go on concerning the murderer), this was brought on not by Islam, but by the media and it’s repulsive pandering to Anarchist bs groups like BLM and Antifa… I will sign each and every petition and letter I can find to officially proclam those groups as terrorist organizations. Good luck spinning THAT, MSM lackys.

  30. Something doesn’t make sense… shooter found dead in room, not killed by police. Marilou out of country, cleared by police. Shooter brother said his brother must have snapped, because he wasn’t political or religious. So this guy rents a room carries all the weapons and ammo up to room shoots everyone and offs himself. Sum ting wong… probably a room of arabs next to him.

  31. @ Cliche Guevara, I get that. Though I’m worried for my parents because they come from the other side, the effect is close to the same. It’s a world they don’t understand anymore, and honestly – to a large degree, I don’t either. Stability, like predictability and even boredom, are highly under-rated.

    @ Dadof4, I’m sorry to read about your dog. I’m glad you were able to enjoy each other’s company for so long and you were able to say goodbye.

  32. Pray for the dead and wounded victims, their loved ones, families and friends.

    When I first heard about this shooting I thought to myself it’s going to be Moslem(s), a Leftist, or some nutjob on legally-prescribed SSRI drugs….or a combination of all three.

    Looks like it’s leaning towards #3

    Every single mass shooting that wasnt Moslems was always by someone on SSRI drugs.

  33. So sorry @Dadof4. It’s heartbreaking to lose your best buddy.

    As for Las Vegas I’m going to hold back and offer condolences to the families and best wishes for a full recovery for the wounded.

    Not gonna play the speculation game for now.

  34. MJA – exactly what an MS-NBC talking head said this AM – however does the left find the time to get their bullshit on the same page?
    I’ve always assumed their communication skills were relatively non-existent.

  35. @Bad_Brad

    Yeah, that’s the obvious part. In that cavernous venue with blaring music echoing and chaos ensuing the police see the muzzle blasts coming from the hotel, count which floor its coming from and run directly to the 32nd floor? To his room? All that in that short amount of time? OK. Known to the police with no arrest record? Maybe they just looked at the guest register.

  36. 1harpazo

    I haven’t read that he was known to police. He blazed away for over 10 minutes before the popo got to him. He was also shooting out of the exterior window down to the crowd on the side walk. So two windows were blown out of his suite to the exterior of the building. I’m sure it was the first thing LE notices when they arrived on scene.

  37. There are Infowars reports of Antifa spoor inside the shooter’s hotel room.

    The 100 year anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution is coming up next month. This may be BR II kickoff. Look at the demographics of the victims, the distance involved, weapons used, planning, who is making inflammatory statements immediately following it, cui bono, etc.

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