BREAKING: National Review Dis-Invited from GOP Debate after Attack on Donald Trump – IOTW Report

BREAKING: National Review Dis-Invited from GOP Debate after Attack on Donald Trump

From the Gateway Pundit
Tonight National Review was disinvited from the February GOP debate after its very public rebuke of Donald Trump.

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44 Comments on BREAKING: National Review Dis-Invited from GOP Debate after Attack on Donald Trump

  1. The list of Hillary/Bernie supporters at the National Review
    Glenn Beck
    David Boaz
    Brent Bozell
    Mona Charen
    Ben Domenech
    Erick Erickson
    Steven Hayward
    Mark Helprin
    William Kristol
    Yuval Levin
    Dana Loesch
    Andrew McCarthy
    David McIntosh
    Michael Medved
    Edwin Meese
    Russell Moore
    Michael Mukasey
    Katie Pavlich
    John Podhoretz
    R.R. Reno
    Thomas Sowell
    Cal Thomas

  2. That’s the list of the National Review Manifesto – trying to tell us what to think.
    The list has some respectable people but MOST of them are HACKS that just want to retain power and money.

  3. Yes, the tea party is for Trump, but look at all the names on the list — they are Tea Party, Incorporated. Most of them made their names as tea party leaders. They’ve built radio shows, blogs, magazines on a tea party following. They were self-satisfied city slickers when the herd bolted for the open range.

    The faintest tracings of what was happening began to come to me i the past few days. All these people who are at Trump have a lot to lose if they don’t hold their positions as thought leaders, trend setters, crystal ball gazers, and The Authority on everything conservative. They’ve turned being conservative into big business. They’ve monetized it. Look at Beck. His whole empire erupted into an octopus with arms stretching from retail clothing to books, audio, radio, production. Every single one of them has a lifetime of scratching and clawing their way into relevance and the big time at stake. And if they aren’t directly connected to Tea Party activities, they are sustained by them. If the real tea party bolts, where does that leave them?

    I’m certain of this. Start looking at it from that viewpoint and what do you see?

  4. Amusing to see the fake conservative snak oil peddlers trying to stop actual thunder from the right populism in the style of Teddy Roosevelt.

    Going to really boost those sales numbers for their bottomless chumbucket of “books”, T-Shirts and “radio” shows.

  5. If you are going to do this shit:

    The list of Hillary/Bernie supporters at the National Review
    Glenn Beck
    David Boaz
    Brent Bozell
    Mona Charen
    Ben Domenech
    Erick Erickson
    Steven Hayward
    Mark Helprin
    William Kristol
    Yuval Levin
    Dana Loesch
    Andrew McCarthy
    David McIntosh
    Michael Medved
    Edwin Meese
    Russell Moore
    Michael Mukasey
    Katie Pavlich
    John Podhoretz
    R.R. Reno
    Thomas Sowell
    Cal Thomas

    Then I am sorry for ruining your thread. I have friends that like Donald for the right reasons. But few that want to have sex with him like you do,

    You are now getting into the territory of fuck everybody! I think you may need to take a few steps back from your Trump worship and have a life!

  6. There’s no better way to tell the GOPe ‘Ef you!” than voting for Trump. The tea party is for Trump.

    As much as I like Levin, his Convention of the States is a thoughtful idea, but will take forever to happen.

    The tea party gave the GOPe the house and senate. We were treated like crap for the effort. Trump is a revenge vote and the cherry on top is that Palin is back from the tundra to rub it in. I can’t stand her speaking voice but I liked what she said. Rush read it this morning.

    Trump is the bull in the china shop. He’s also not a politician. He’s not as eloquent as the founders ( far from it-maybe that will happen eventually) but he’s something other than a lawyer or someone groomed for politics.

    I am so burned out on this.

  7. Dude, you’re going full on Rodent and you clearly don’t have a clue what’s taking place. You should try and get informed before you try and wreck this thread. Not cool.

  8. It’s enough to make you cynical. For life. I would like to have been listening in on whomever it was who talked Andrew McCarthy into going along with this. That was some sales job. Gaa! Maybe all it took was a big check. How awful.

  9. You trumpets have become angree people against your fellow Conservatives. And we are angree too, although thoughtful also. There is a way, and it is not Trump.

  10. Hey Anon! Read my reply above. I do likey Trump. I listen to Medved’s first hour for local news and his amusing blind hate of Ted Cruz. I taunt tweet him and the radio station about it too.

  11. Hey all you Trump supporters: For now if it’s Trump I’ll vote for him. But keep this bullshit up and I’m gone. Don’t get too cokky assholes. You’re starting to look a lot like the GOPe. And you’re candidate seems to be getting cozy with them!

  12. I hate to see Sowell contributing to this. More then anyone else on this list, I would expect him to understand the cold anger we feel about the way we’ve been rat fucked by NRO

  13. I think the GOP had no choice once the National Review published that cover. If they allowed the NR to retain it’s position in the debate it would have lost whatever credibility it had left. You can’t show such blatant bias and still expect the public (or the candidates) to presume that you are neutral for this type of event. I agree with some of the other posters that I was sorry to see Sowell in this list. Not that he should support Trump but rather that he would write this type of an essay so close the debate.

  14. “You can’t show such blatant bias and still expect the public (or the candidates) to presume that you are neutral for this type of event”

    Unless you’re NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NYT, etc…

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