BREAKING: Trump releases video telling protestors he knows ‘their pain’ but it’s time to ‘go home’ – IOTW Report

BREAKING: Trump releases video telling protestors he knows ‘their pain’ but it’s time to ‘go home’

JTN: President Trump posted a one minute video to his twitter feed encouraging protestors who have breached the Capitol building to go home after hours of clashing with the Capitol police in an attempt to oppose the electoral college certification that was taking place today in Congress. 

“We have to have peace. Go home. We love you,” said the president in a one minute address posted to his twitter account. “We can’t play into the hands of these people,” he said.

Twitter has restricted the president’s video. watch

SNIP: If the vid doesn’t play at the link, keep trying. Sometimes it takes 2 tries. Do you see the twitter warning on it? What an eye-roller.

41 Comments on BREAKING: Trump releases video telling protestors he knows ‘their pain’ but it’s time to ‘go home’

  1. I see no reason to consider myself a citizen of a country where its government has shown itself to be my mortal enemy.
    The Biden presidency is illegitimate.
    I’ll fight it however I can.

  2. The media is in a tizzy. It’s the worst thing to happen to this country since Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined!
    How could this have happened they wonder after they pissed all over this country and people burned, looted, and assaulted decent citizens for the past year.

    And NOW they are ready to take revenge on us.
    How DARE you show patriotic tendencies.

  3. Antifa did all the violence. It’s all coming out now. Lin Wood has GREAT proof on his Twitter feed right now.

    Oh. Enjoy HELL Mike Pence you modern day FUCKING Judas. What’s left for you is to hang yourself.

  4. People are going to have to find a way to communicate and provide support for one another because from here on out anyone who speaks up will have the government goons come after them. They’ll put a lot of importance on isolating us. It’s already started!

  5. Ohio’s governor just called MAGA protestors a violent mob!?
    Haven’t heard any reporters call them peaceful! They are all beside themselves not being able to why they are protesting.

  6. @Uncle Al – BUT, Arnold got away and is buried in England, in a church cemetery.

    Andre didn’t, we caught and hanged that prick, Glover was the commanding officer at THAT time.

    GW was SO pissed, he did not even attend.

  7. Where was the Iranian suicide plane before the protesters took the Capital?

    Gee, the press is now complaining about what is being reaped after what they have sown for the past 4-1/2 years?

  8. :digs grease out from under nails:

    No really, I don’t have a TV in the barn. Someone just give me the high points, muh truck is in pieces, kinda’ distracted from politics right now.

  9. First time in four years the media has referred to peaceful protesters as “a mob” and “rioters”. Engaging in “insurrectiion”.

    Just declare it a CHAZ autonomous zone.

  10. Trump was not elected because people worship him. He was elected because we knew that he was the only one who could beat the Dems. He rode our coattails into office. We thought we had re-elected him, but the Dems, media, courts and Republican leadership put their thumbs on the scale. This is the people’s protest, not Trump’s. He can jump off the train if he chooses and I will thank him for what he has done. We will find someone else — maybe, eventually, hopefully.

    I am very sorry for the young woman who was shot. There was no reason or justification for lethal response from police. I have seen reports that she died. Did they shoot her to enrage the crowd? I guess it worked.

    Trump will be blamed. It is not his fault. The guilt lies solely with those who have pushed the peaceful majority to this point. If this scares them it was an infinitesimally small representation of what their actions have created nationwide. They must learn the value of a trustworthy electoral system. Any coup, sedition or treason was by the Dems and the deep state.

  11. Lots of American flags but none of them burning, no bags of shit and urine thrown, no fat white chick screaming racist at a MAGA cap wearing black guy. Definitely the most violent riot I’ve ever seen.

  12. …for every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction.

    …true in physics, true in politics.

    …The President may be the focus, but he doesn’t control it.

    …and the longer that reaction is held back, the worse it will be, and its been years in coming already…

  13. “Deadly as the viper
    Peering from its coil
    The poison there is coming to the boil
    Ticking like a time bomb
    The fuse is running short
    on the verge of snapping if it’s caught
    And all the pressure that’s been building up
    For all the years it bore the load
    The cracks appear, the frame starts to distort
    Ready to explode”
    -Judas Priest, “Jawbreaker”

  14. FreedomCat
    JANUARY 6, 2021 AT 4:44 PM
    “WTH is up with Pence?? Please let me know.”

    …like I’ve been saying for years here, Pence was a GOP-E implant they forced on the President when he got the nomination so they could have some control over him. He was always and Establishment squish to the core, never had any morals or standards he wouldn’t back away from, never backed the President in ANYTHING, and is currently just serving the purpose for which he was intended.

    And I really wish he hadn’t proved me right, but it is what it is, and it had to happen sooner or later.

    A woman is now dead, apparently at the hands of TPTB.

    Crispus Atticus could tell you where it goes from here…

  15. “Trump releases video telling protesters he knows ‘their pain’ but it’s time to ‘go home’”

    Irrelevant now. Dems are going to feel much pain in the near future. I’m talking personally. Fair-minded people are going to snap right off on any far-left libs that taunt them in real life.

    What’s the risk? Their voice has already been stolen by fraudulent vote counting.

    Killing your lying cheating opponents is more of an obligation than a liability.

    Beware of the climate you’ve created, Dems, Libs, Commies. Your number is up.

    Absolutely no point in playing nice now.

  16. OK OK I’m all caught up. Everything posted above me is pretty much


    and we now join the Colonial Warriors fighting bravely against impossible Cylon odds…..

  17. For those who are still in DC, get out. You are behind enemy lines, unarmed, and every one there is going to be hunting you. Antifa, BLM, the police, and National Guard are going to be looking for you. There is no plan, no leader, and you are outnumbered. It is no longer a fight, you should be thinking survival, evasion, and escape. GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE! Get back to friendly lines where you have allies, weapons, and community.


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