K O’Donnell’s

A Breitbart meetup in Arizona ended with a restaurant cutting off the microphone before a police helicopter strangely descended upon the gathering ordering attendees to disperse.

In an effort to provide offline fellowship to a community of passionately engaged readers, Breitbart News recently introduced Breitbart local “Meet Ups.”

The second event, held in Phoenix on Wednesday night, featured Breitbart’s Brandon Darby discussing border issues and AWR Hawkins discussing gun rights. Between 150-200 people flooded the patio on a cool night at K O’Donnell’s to discuss matters of liberty and network with other like-minded conservatives.

For the first 45 minutes of the pre-organized event conservatives networked while ordering food and drinks. There was already a great sense of camaraderie among the crowd when Breitbart’s Community Liaison Dustin Stockton began the program by asking God to steer the conversation towards solutions that would combat the agents of greed and corruption that infest our government and media.

AWR Speaking-at-PHX-Meetup 0

Second Amendment “journalist of the year” AWR Hawkins gave the first speech of the evening. He spoke with the enthusiastic attendees about guns, and the American tradition of freedom.

SNIP: And that’s when the restaurant managers got snippy.

phoenix pd


  1. It would be nice to get a hold of police communication during the event. Who cut the mic? Who called the cops, and for what reason?
    Americans who talk about God and guns are most likely terrorists in this day and age.
    God Help America.

  2. Just more libtard paranoia at work.
    It sounds like the ‘management’ shut the event down.
    Maybe they should have told them what they were up to beforehand. I’m sure another venue would have happily accommodated them.

  3. Same question!! I am stuck in Hollywood for at least another year, maybe two, and I am just dying for some conservative company. I am not a “Friends of Abe” level person, i.e., I’m a peon and not in the entertainment industry, so I am having real trouble out here in la la land. Example: my neighbors have openly mocked me for being a Christian, yet THEY BELIEVE IN CAT PSYCHICS. Yes. They think cat psychics are a real thing, and that a woman who charged them $100 for communicating with their cat had a actual conversation with it.

  4. Lifetime boycott right there. The comment I tried to post on their yelp page (or whatever that’s called) disappeared right after I posted it. But there are still plenty of others showing there with a one-star rating because of their conservative-bashing tactics.

    They owe the Breitbart people a refund for cutting the mic. Not at all a smart business move.

  5. One of my ex-girlfriends does a lot of work in Hollywood, and she has a friend like that who “communicates” with animals. She also hates my NRA hat. lol.

    You have my sympathy, Tired Mom, and I hope you can get out of that place very soon. Moving from L.A. to Arkansas felt pretty good. 🙂

  6. Only legitimate reason I can think is that the number of people assembled exceeded the maximum number allowed for safety, per the determination of the local fire department.

    Unless restaurant management lied. Somehow, I can’t see the cops responding to a report of “people hanging on every word of a prom Second Amendment speaker.”

  7. I got the impression that somebody complained to the manager that they were offended by the group. And I’d bet that same complainer did a “swatting” maneuver and called the cops from a pay phone with some kind of BS story.

    A comment from one of the people who were there stated that the police seemed a little confused when they got there and didn’t find whatever it was they were expecting.

    The Left always uses the fighting tactics of a coward.

  8. There is NO legitimate reason for this. An armed chopper ordering peaceful diners to disburse? WTF? But stupid, violent pavement apes and commies committing arson, robbery, assault, etc. don’t merit this? This country is DEAD. Rule of law is DEAD and we better get fucking busy on our side of this war.

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