Breitbart Texas and Dave Brat Killed Amnesty – IOTW Report

Breitbart Texas and Dave Brat Killed Amnesty

Big Journalism

Breitbart Texas’s reporting on the illegal immigrant children who were being warehoused along the U.S.-Mexico border and Dave Brat’s primary victory over House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) made Congress and President Barack Obama give up on amnesty legislation this year, according to a recent piece in Politico.

Those “two unforeseen events killed any remaining chance for action” on an amnesty bill, Politico concluded.

As a result, Obama on Monday announced he would try to change as many immigration laws as he can on his own after House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), who had reportedly said that he was hell-bent on passing amnesty this year, informed him that there would not be an immigration vote this year. MORE


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