Breitbart: Trump to Declare National Emergency to Build Border Wall – IOTW Report

Breitbart: Trump to Declare National Emergency to Build Border Wall


13 Comments on Breitbart: Trump to Declare National Emergency to Build Border Wall

  1. NBC just confronted the President because he said, in the past, that Obama should not be using EO… They didn’t see that the President tried to do the right thing through Congress and they failed him and us?!

  2. There he goes.
    He is the greatest President.
    He swims upstream in a river if shit with people on both banks insulting him and throwing rocks.
    Every day.
    My only regret is that I will not live long enough to see politicians refer to him in the same reverent tones as they do Mr. Reagan.
    Screw the Left.

  3. On a smaller scale, this is mirroring what’s going on with Brexit. No members of either UniParty want to perform what is in the best interest of their countries. Those that do are having to bloody the system to get anything done. Thankfully, the U.S. has a leader who doesn’t say ‘May’ I to get things done, but knows what needs to be done.

  4. The Left is not going to allow the border wall or any other effective restraints in illegal migration. Their only purpose is to stop Trump from accomplishing anything of filling any more of his promises no matter what they are.

    They’ve won on every point so far, and they show no signs of changing their attack(s).

    FWIW, “The Left” includes the Courts and many Republicans, it isn’t just the Democrats even if they are the visible spearhead of it.

  5. He’s trying to give the R’s 2020. Why mcconnell and them don’t want the same thing is beyond stupid. Are there replacements for the turtle or does nature have to take him out like mccain?

  6. ^ The R’s aren’t worth the powder to blow their asses off the planet.

    How come the President didn’t mention what was IN that funding bill he’s going to sign? We’re screwed.

  7. The only reason Pelosi and Schumer and probably other dems are against it is they are in collusion with the cartels and traffickers. Trump need to appoint a special prosecutor to look into this. There can’t be any other reason.

  8. This is war. We need to use some of the same tactics used by the left. Form a phony “immigrant advocacy group” and sue the President in the 5th circuit court of appeals to “stop the wall”. Be the first to file. Then put up a weak case designed to lose, and roll over and let the President win.

  9. This lasts only til December – The poison bills.
    In January, they’re back to square one.

    But think about this, if the Dems fight the wall building,as they’re campaigning, think how bad this looks for them. Remember, more than half of this country thinks the border problem with illegals and crime and drugs are a bad situation. And the dems are going to say, on record, – fuck you, Americans! I want open borders!

    That’s a damn-good anti-dem campaign ad, isn’t it?


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