Breonna Taylor sculpture smashed by vandals in California – IOTW Report

Breonna Taylor sculpture smashed by vandals in California

Don’t worry. Insurance should cover that, right?
Right? Isn’t that what Blamtifa told the owners of the properties they damaged?

NYP: A bust sculpture honoring police shooting victim Breonna Taylor was smashed by vandals over the weekend, prompting a probe by Oakland police, according to reports.

The memorial, installed two weeks ago in downtown Latham Square, was smashed in several places sometime Saturday, ABC affiliate KGO-TV reported.

The bust includes a plaque that reads: “Say Her Name, Breonna Taylor,” the station said.

“At first I was stunned and shocked and hurt and angry,” artist Leo Carson, who created the sculpture, told the outlet.

“Just a whole bunch of emotions,” he said. “It felt like I was personally attacked and also they attacked Breonna Taylor and the BLM movement.” more

h/t Flaming Hetero.

29 Comments on Breonna Taylor sculpture smashed by vandals in California

  1. Insured? I doubt it.

    Not sure why Oakland had a bust of Taylor in the first place, Oscar Grant, I could believe, but not Taylor.

    Although I condemn vandalism, period, my money is on a BLM goon as the perpetrator in order to call attention to the cause, yeah, they are that twisted.

  2. Oh! Cops will look into this?
    Cops all over the country wouldn’t look into the filthy fucking vandals tearing down statues all across the country just a couple of months ago! In fact, wouldn’t even make arrests when they had them identified on camera! Why dis be difernt?

    Hmmmmm …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Hopefully, this is the start of a trend. Here is a list of statues of Vladimir Lenin in the U.S. to help people get started:
    -Las Vegas – outside Red Square Restaurant, Mandalay Bay Hotel – Headless (removed in 2019 when restaurant closed)
    -New York City – on top of the Red Square apartment building, E. Houston St. in the East Village[3] Moved to Norfolk St. in 2016, half-block south.[4]
    -Seattle – Fremont neighborhood (See Statue of Lenin (Seattle))
    -Los Angeles, there is a large metallic bust of Lenin on display at the corner of La Brea Avenue and 4th Street.
    -Hutchinson, Kansas – inside the Soviet wing of the Cosmosphere
    -Willimantic, Connecticut – hidden in a scrapyard to avoid vandalism.[5]

  4. If you can’t have statues of the founding fathers, then you can’t have statues of dead criminals that died doing criminal things.
    Or died trying to hide their fentanyl from police after trying to use a fake $20 bill.

  5. …I can’t WAIT for tales of White Supremacists in Trump hats seen gleefully smashing it, conveniently ignoring that the lifespan of a White Supremacist wearing a Trump hat in deepest, darkest Oakland would be comparable to that of quadriplegic menstruating woman in a shark tank, and end about as abruptly and painfully, too…

  6. “At first I was stunned and shocked and hurt and angry,”

    Well, how do you think the rest of us feel when statues and monuments to Washington, Jefferson, and other HISTORICAL (not hysterical) figures are defaced and vandalized?

  7. @ Carlos

    Just so ya know, up here in Toronto there are full shelves of Aunt Jemima Mix and Syrup.
    I bought some hoping it would become collectible but the shit is still everywhere.

  8. @ Billy Fuster

    It might be possible that some jackass SJW did not know it was a memorial and thought it was actually a racist statue.

    These fuckers are that stooooopid yo!

  9. Didn’t she make money selling the same drug that killed George Floyd? No wonder they vandalized her statue

    BTW, has anyone explained what she was doing in the hallway of her apartment during a shootout? Weird, you would have thought her boyfriend would have said “Dont go out in the hallway, Breonna. There are bad people out there who are trying to shoot us.”

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