Bret Baier confronts FBI director Wray’s disparity in treatment of Trump, Biden: ‘How do you explain that?’ – IOTW Report

Bret Baier confronts FBI director Wray’s disparity in treatment of Trump, Biden: ‘How do you explain that?’

BPR: FBI Director Christopher Wray was confronted by facts about his agency’s “dual system” of justice in an interview with Fox News anchor Bret Baier where the host called out the blatant disparity in classified document investigations of former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden: “How do you explain that?”

Sitting down face-to-face for Tuesday’s edition of “Special Report,” Wray was confronted with some of the most serious accusations leveled against the FBI that included their targeting of parents as domestic terrorists, the excessive measures used to arrest a pro-life supporter while abortion activists’ alleged violent extremism appeared to go unchecked and the apparent suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Of particular note was how the director responded when challenged on the Mar-a-Lago raid compared to the search of Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware. More

13 Comments on Bret Baier confronts FBI director Wray’s disparity in treatment of Trump, Biden: ‘How do you explain that?’

  1. Any “dual system” of justice is in fact a “dual system” of injustice. It is a lie. Is it any wonder that Satan’s flunkeys here on earth, of course, would endorse such an obvious sham?

    If you think I’m referring to Democrats above, you are only part way there. I’m referring to The Party I.e. Democrats, establishment Republicans, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Academia, the Deep State etc. as well as anyone who prefers to be ruled by the above to self governance under a Constitutional republic.

  2. Plain as day for ALL to see, but only a news channel, ONE news channel notes that the emperor has no clothes.
    WGAF, nothing will change. Elevator only goes down.

  3. It’s all in the Plan. “Fundamental Transformation of America” prepared by unrelenting democratic socialists and Communists within our US Academic Community.

    #1 “Rules for Radicals” by Saul Alinsky
    #2 “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty” by Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven.

    Through class division and overwhelming the US Welfare system, increasingly pressuring the System by Millions crossing our Southern Border illegally, intentionally depleting the Middle class through class warfare, depleting the value of the dollar through inflation and taxes, all designed to collapse our economic system.

    The progressive (Communist) movement started in earnest around the turn of last century. These are the same people who gave us the Federal Reserve. They brought America the concept of redistribution of wealth through the progressive income tax, telling Americans at first that only the rich would be affected. Along came the “The Great Society initiated by LBJ greater welfare system. The result has been $Trillions of Dollars in debt for future generations and a broken Economic system dependent upon faith in the private banking entity called the FED (not a Gold Standard) while Government goes unchecked, spending imaginary money provided by the FED that our Nation must continually borrow. It has been a spiral downward for decades.

    The Bubble is designed to burst and burst it will.

  4. I watched some of the hearing with Merrick Garland yesterday and he was asked these same questions. He just lied as usual and kept saying the FBI’s assessment of any given situation wasn’t the same as what the Congressmen were saying. He claimed the photos of 20+ armed FBI agents at an abortion protester’s home weren’t what happened.
    These bums don’t care who knows they’re lying.

  5. It’s just more of the DOJ and FBI BS spin loop with zero truth and maximum lies. A waste of time to ask them unless they’re on a 12th century rack.


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