Brett Favre Compares Colin Kaepernick to Pat Tillman: ‘I Assume Hero Status Will Be Stamped’ – IOTW Report

Brett Favre Compares Colin Kaepernick to Pat Tillman: ‘I Assume Hero Status Will Be Stamped’

Pat Tillman. Actual hero.

Breitbart: Brett Favre says that Colin Kaepernick’s decision to forego his NFL career in order to continue his anthem protests and social justice movement, is a sacrifice in league with former NFL player and Army Ranger Pat Tillman.

Further, Favre believes that eventually Kaepernick, like Tillman, will be thought of as a “hero.”

In a recent interview with TMZ, the former Packer legend went in-depth on his reasoning for believing that Kaepernick deserves heroic status for his protests and movement.

“It’s not easy for a guy his age — black or white, Hispanic, whatever — to stop something that you’ve always dreamed of doing, and put it on hold, maybe forever, for something that you believe in,” Favre explained.

“I can only think of right off the top of my head, Pat Tillman is another guy that did something similar,” Favre said. “And, we regard him as a hero. So, I’d assume that hero status will be stamped with Kaepernick as well.”

Pat Tillman walked away from a multi-million dollar deal with the then-St.Louis Rams, to become an Army Ranger. He was killed in Afghanistan in a friendly-fire incident in 2004. more here

42 Comments on Brett Favre Compares Colin Kaepernick to Pat Tillman: ‘I Assume Hero Status Will Be Stamped’

  1. You got to be fing kidding me. BOYCOTT Tommy Copper. Tell them to stop hiring the brain damaged. Kaeperdicks name shouldn’t be mentioned in any way with a guy like Tillman.

  2. “It’s not easy for a guy his age — black or white, Hispanic, whatever — to stop something that you’ve always dreamed of doing, and put it on hold, maybe forever, for something that you believe in,”

    …he sucked as a quarterback.

    And aged out of it, too.

    He was out of a job no matter what, so getting canned for nonperformance does not a martyr make…

  3. As much as I like Brett, but this statement makes no sense. Tillman is a hero, he gave his life in the service to our country, Colin is a glory-seeking twit

  4. The Mississippi Community Education Center paid Favre $1.1 million in exchange for one public service announcement and three speeches he never made.

    Evidently paying Favre not to speak is money well spent.

  5. Brett Favre should face lifetime censure
    for the mere suggestion.

    Colonoscopy Krapperprick sacrificed nothing.
    He was already a washed up has-been before
    he started the stupid-ass self-glorifying

    Maybe Mr. Favre would like to award
    Hillary Clinton and Whore-Bama
    the congressional Medal of Honor
    for their courageous and selfless
    handling of the Benghazi matter !

  6. Bret Favre doesn’t know what the hell he is talking about. Colin Kaeperdink is no hero, Pat Tillman was. If Kaeperdink had been in the military and tried any of that kneeling shit his fellow soldiers would’ve ganged up on him and beat the shit out of him. And if in combat they would’ve fragged him. Kaeperdink is an ass and Bret Favre just proved that he is an ass as well.

  7. Please don’t misunderstand me, Brett Farve is a complete ignoramus. Pat Tillman was an intelligent, genuine American hero. Colin Kaepernick is a washed up has been who only has one trick left in his playbook, bringing down America. Bret Farve is better at sending personalized porn to attractive female strangers than commenting on social problems, and Colin Kaepernick is going to cost the NFL several hundreds of millions of dollars in income this next season. What a pair of dunces!

  8. If Jeff Garcia would not have gotten hurt Kaeperdick would have zero name recognition. And most 49er fans are still scratching their heads trying to figure out why you would trade a two time Pro Bowl QB and let a loser like Kaeperdick take the helm. He sucked.

  9. “to stop something that you’ve always dreamed of doing, and put it on hold”

    is that what happened?

    funny, i was always under the impression he sucked at quaterback.
    if he didn’t , he would still be playing.
    the nfl used to not have affirmative action hires.
    you used to have to win your position on the field.
    how woke they have become

  10. Coming from Farve, who never served (anyone but himself) then compare another self serving SOB to Tillman is rich. Keep the bullshit on the Farm you bought brett.

  11. He’s right. Kaepernick is a hero to those who hate America and Tillman is a hero to those who love America.

    Now, I have to go drop Kaepernick off at the super bowl.

  12. You Tube Watch:

    (the title is in capitals, I’m not screaming)

    He is a black Police officer who has some great opinions on BLM and many other current issues.

    I like Bret but lets remember 3 things:
    1) He had a drug and painkiller addition (glad he overcame it)
    2) Sent pics of his Wang to a female reporter while married and a very odd date request
    3) He doesn’t even know how to pronounce his own last name:
    FAVRE = Fa V Ru or Faw Vre like French the fucking “V” is before the “R”

    NOT Far vuh

    Unfortunately, there is a lot of french canadian faggotry in the pronunciations from Quebec and I was forced to take the bastardized version that Quebec French is.

    i have asked the Odd Frog how they would read the name and they agreed with my unfortunate education.

  13. The NFL is dead to me. Next will be MLB.
    Tinfoil hat on:
    I have a theory that destroying American sports is all a Coup by the soccer-loving Eurofags and the GLOBALISTS.
    Tinfoil hat off.

  14. Brain damaged opioid addict awakens from his years long stupor long enough to mumble something incredibly stupid and then curls up with a bottle of JD to wallow in a pool of his own urine for the next month or so.

  15. CCNV
    JUNE 22, 2020 AT 3:25 PM
    “Funny, at UNR KraperDick never had cornrows, afro or acted black.”

    …everything OJ Simpson did and everyone he associated with was White until he murdered his wife, then he suddenly remembered he was Black just in time for the Black community to rally ’round their “Strong Black Man” to ultimately force an aquittal by having incompetent prosecuters assigned…

    …Black is a useful tool in the NFL, always has been, like when Pacmam Jones needed a pass on his criminal activites or Big Daddy Wilkenson wanted out of his Bengals contract.

    Suddenly racism, racism EVERYWHERE, equating these multi-millionares with ‘hood beggars.

    …it’s an NFL tradition.

    …they only do it ’cause it WORKS…

  16. I wonder if Bret feels guilty about something?

    I assumed he threw the ball to who ever was open and didn’t care what color they were. It would explain his high interception rate.

    508 Td vs 336 Int. = 1.5119

    1.5 touchdowns for every interception

    72 Td vs 30 Int. = 2.4

    2.4 touchdowns for every interception

    Fuck, Colon was better than Favre!

  17. MJA I posted your story on my GAB, but I changed the title to: **Brett Favre sends another small dick pic again by comparing Colin Kaepernick to Pat Tillman: ‘I Assume Hero Status Will Be Stamped’** Farve really showed his small wiener on this one.

  18. @ MJA

    I forgot to put my name in the field.

    I liked him as an emotional football player since you never knew what he was going to pull on the field but my lord he is dumber than than a box of hammers!

  19. Wow, a quarterback speaks? One that sends out his pud, his junk, to the internet, to woman. Creepy.

    Have we not heard enough from these NFL ‘quarterbacks’ already??? A sports guy no less. We might as well hear from what’s her name, the dumb blond pop singer on this?

    Which one am I thinking about there are just too many these daze?


  20. Favre, Kaepernick, Wallace, who gives a shit what any of them have to say? Professional sports all suck anymore anyway. NFL has taken a huge hit thanks to Kaepernick and Nascar just might not survive Bubba Wallace.


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