Brexit seems to be rising as a second U.K. tidal wave – IOTW Report

Brexit seems to be rising as a second U.K. tidal wave

American Thinker:

Up until now, Brexit has been a dreay spectacle to watch because Britain’s Tory leadership seems to be botching it so badly. What’s so hard about just pulling up stakes and getting out? That was what the voters voted for. Doesn’t ‘leave’ mean leave? There have been so many yes-but failures and failures to reach a sign-out deal that one almost doesn’t want to watch. Why is this so hard for Britain’s political leaders, now in talks with each other to cut a deal, to understand?

The latest news suggests that something big is happening on that other side of the ballot, the voter side, the one that voted to leave, as a result of this. Look at this poll cited in this Sky News report:

The Brexit Party is polling higher than the two major parties combined ahead of this month’s European election.

Nigel Farage‘s party is on course to get 34% of the votes, according to the latest Opinium poll for the Observer.

Labour are on 21% and the Conservatives are in fourth place on 11%.

The pro-EU Liberal Democrats are in third place on 12%.

Wow. British politics is a bit like American politics in that third party formation is very rare. The Tory party, after all, dates to before the American Revolution and the Labour Party goes back to the early 20th century.

For a third party to top the other two, even in a nothingburgerish election such as that of European Union parliament, which Brexiteers don’t even want to be part of, seems unprecedented. Ahead of both parties combined? Just wow.  more here

9 Comments on Brexit seems to be rising as a second U.K. tidal wave

  1. Interesting scenario. Because they haven’t exited yet they have to participate in the EU election which is in about 10 days. But if they exit before July then those newly elected will never serve. More than anything it is an opportunity for the voice of the British people to be heard, an indicator of what will happen in the next UK election.

  2. Even in the English have a problem with the English language. Out does not mean out, out mean stay in until you have been given bribes enough so you can afford to retire.
    Thank you for your non-representation, Mrs. May!!!

  3. “What’s so hard about just pulling up stakes and getting out?”

    Because the elites don’t want to listen to the people.

    Just like here in the USA. But, lemme think … what is different?

  4. The pols don’t want to leave so they find every way to look like they’re trying to leave and sabotage the efforts at the same time. They think they know better than the common man, so they are doing what they think is in his best interest even if he’s too dumb to realize it.

  5. Both GB and the US are in the process of finding out whether popular sovereignty is real or a sham. If the ruling class can overrule the electorate when they don’t like their choices, all claims to consent of the governed and just powers evaporate, and it’s time to alter or abolish.


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