Brian Stelter Leads Panel on “Disinformation” at World Economic Forum – IOTW Report

Brian Stelter Leads Panel on “Disinformation” at World Economic Forum


You can’t make this stuff up. 

Brian Stelter, who had a show on CNN but no longer works at the once renowned “Fake News” outlet, led a panel discussion today at the World Economic Forum on “Disinformation”.

This is absurd.

Stelter was the king of “Fake News” at CNN and the laughing stock of those on the right who knew the facts that he was constantly trying to label disinformation.  Whether it was about the Mueller sham, COVID or whatever, Stelter was always on the side of Fake News.

This is why it is actually funny that Stelter was picked to lead a discussion on disinformation.

During the panel discussion, one participant stated that the US would soon have fake news laws, ignoring the fact that the First Amendment in the US Constitution protects Americans’ God-given right to free speech. MORE

10 Comments on Brian Stelter Leads Panel on “Disinformation” at World Economic Forum

  1. The poor man’s Josef Goebbels.

    Y’know, it’s kinda funny, but there at the WEF you got just about every stinking would-be tyrannical maggot on Earth at one place at the same time.

    Too bad decent people don’t adhere to pre-emptive strikes.

    Could solve a whole lot of the World’s problems with a single cruise missile.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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