OutKick: Brian Williams – yes, that Brian Williams! – stopped by Seth Meyer’s Late Night show this week and took a flamethrower to the entire Democratic Party.
They’ve now lost Brian, folks. What a fall.
Williams put together a list of grievances for the Dems, mainly centered around the fact they’ve insulted normal, sane Americans for the past four years.
How did they insult us, you ask? Well, let’s allow the ex-NBC anchor (who loves a good made-up story) to explain! more
I invented this message
Is self-reflection easy or hard for narcissist to do?
Honest self-reflection is hard for narcissists, who seem to be the Democrat base. That’s why so few of them are even willing to consider that they might be the problem.
They’re all trying to stay “relevant” now that they lost their collective liberal ass.
Did he vote for Trump? LOLOL
I remember Peter Jennings bitching that “the voters had a temper tantrum” following the 1994 mid-term election.
That single message does not makeup for the liberal shit he shoved down our throats for years. I have to think he had a stroke or some medical event that suppressed his ability to be a complete idiot.
More than the last four years….they bitch when they lose, they bitch when they “win”…they bitch and berate constantly.
They will never stop, it’s in their nature.
Everything is relative. In this case it simply goes to show that the democRAT party has a much higher specific gravity than shit like Williams!
If anyone is still listening to the likes of Brian Williams, they need their head examined. A hundred progressives can describe the problem, but apparently it only takes one American-loving conservative to solve it. Let’s move on, shall we? This is getting tedious and wasting daylight, Democrats.
sk dk, asshole
keep your mfkng ass out, ******
I invented insults.
Bitch, bitch, bitch all the democraps do is to bitch and gripe and moan and complain about everything because to them everything in life is unfair. Get over it, we won you lost and better luck (not) next time. How stupid are the democraps if already the polls show that kammy should be their candidate for presidunce again in 4 years. Morons, idjits, losers, ultra maroons, buffoons etc. It must suck to be a democrap and be that damn stupid to think that she can ever become president. Slick Willie may be right for once in his life to say that the first woman to be elected as president of the USA will be a Republican woman. No more democrap harpies need apply.
who hires this ******?