Bribery? Kamala Harris hands $400,000 to Heidi Heitkamp – IOTW Report

Bribery? Kamala Harris hands $400,000 to Heidi Heitkamp

American Thinker: Funny how politics works these days…

Democratic senator Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota went against her own voters’ sentiment, which supported Judge Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court by about 60%; voted against the man in a bid to sink his confirmation; and suddenly found herself with a flood of campaign cash, courtesy of Sen. Kamala Harris, who raised her a $400,000 payday.

Here’s the news from NBC’s Kasie Hunt, which was first spotted by Mike Allen at Axios:


.@KamalaHarris sent a fundraising email for @SenatorHeitkamp praising her no vote on Kavanaugh.

It raised over $400,000 in 24 hours, source tells me.

Was that cash why she changed her vote from sympathetic to Kavanaugh to a “no”?  One wonders if these were the arrangements made, because it sure was weird that she changed her vote, given that she was from a red state and likely to lose her seat, running as she was 9 points behind her Republican challenger, and would have politically benefited from casting a “yes.”  Did she know about the payday?  Was it something she was offered?  And did she need the payday that bad?  more here

8 Comments on Bribery? Kamala Harris hands $400,000 to Heidi Heitkamp

  1. In the overall scheme of political things I suspect that $400 grand doesn’t go as far as it used to. In fact Heidi sold herself out on the cheap and with her more then likely to lose the seat come November I think people should check real close as to where the money in her campaign went and especially what happens to leftover cash, to wit the aforementioned $400 grand.

  2. I believe members of congress can keep unused campaign funds after they leave office. In the meantime, they can hire relatives for inflated salaries to “work on their campaign”. See Waters, Maxine.

  3. As Oscar Wilde once replied to a matron aghast that Wilde was branding her a prostitute (when she agreed to sleep with him for a million pounds, but not for a shilling), “We’ve already determined that, now we’re just arguing over the price”.


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