11 Comments on Brigham Buhler: 30% of Your Prescription Costs Go to Kickbacks
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I bet another nice sized chunk goes to advertising, TV ads in prime time aren’t cheap.
Gotta oil the good ole Corruption Machine!
Corruption on this level is believable, but that “the politicians don’t understand this or get it” is pretty hard to swallow. Hell those federal tit-sucking parasites probably dreamed it up!
Anyone that knows someone working in a Dr Office knows the stories of the Sales reps for big pharma. Prescribe our products and receive
vacations, cruises, monetary rewards. This has been going on forever.
Wild Bill – Advertising is the vehicle. The money is the payload!
I’m sure that is on average…meaning its WAY MORE on some and less on others.
No doubt, these crooks go to bed with a smile on their face, patting themselves on the back for screwing so many people out of their money.
jellybean – That dovetails into the theory that half the population wakes up every morning with new scemes to screw the other half out of what they got!
When I traveled for work any time I went through the middle east I would get a 90 day supply of my scripts. In the US with insurance a 90 day supply was about $200. In Dubai the cash price for a 90 day supply was about $30. For $10 I could get new prescriptions written and filled at another pharmacy so I would have half a year of scripts.
Been a doctor for 50 years. Only kickback I got was a note pad. How do I get the rest?
Face it: once the research is done pharmaceuticals cost hundredths (maybe a couple of thousandths) of a penny to produce.
Kickbacks just grease the gears – doctors, lawyers, politicians, FDA, maggots like Fauxi, &c.
Is there no integrity left anywhere?